four; last nights

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As the two victors said their last goodbye's to the rest of the team, the air was bitter because everyone knew it was high chance they wouldn't come out, but Triveline wasn't aware of Haymitch's plan, he was joined by Sebastian, and they were assured that along with Katniss and Peeta, they'd make it out alive too. Sebastian winked at them as he left, subtle, but nonetheless he hugged them both goodbye, praying everything would work out.

With Triveline Crompo sobbing into her hands, giving one last sad smile to each of the victors, she walked into her hall to get sleep for the rest of the night, her cries echoing through the loud room. 

With one last sigh from Ella, she turned to look at Finnick who unusually wasn't smiling like he always is, he was always trying to assure the brunette that things will be okay, however his silence was deafening making the air around them awkward, not knowing what to do or say. 

"What now?" Ella asked suddenly, her voice quiet and soft, making Finnick look up at her, it was so easy to be soothes by her voice. 

"We sleep." Finnick shrugged, pushing his hair away. "I don't really want to talk about tomorrow other than the fact that I'm protecting you at every cost." 

Ella nodded in agreement, crossing her arms over her chest just after running a stressed hand through her hair. "Then let's not talk about tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to sleep though." 

"You should, it's probably the only night we'll get a peaceful one." Finnick suggested quietly, holding his hand out for her to take, the girl nodding, putting her hand into his rather slowly, unsure if what she was doing was too much. 

They moved towards their room slower than usual, wanting to soak up as much as time as they  could together, not willing to part as they reach their bedrooms, ones that stood opposite each other. Standing themselves, hand still in hand, the quiet was suddenly their favorite place, looking down, closer than usual, it was difficult to depart. 

"We should get some sleep now." Ella blew out suddenly, gulping slightly as Finnick smiled and nodded his head, taking a step back. 

"You're right. I'll see you in the arena, I guess," Finnick stuttered, moving further away from Ella, her eyes slightly wide as she swallowed thickly. 

"Wait," Ella said, her voice cracking slightly, her hand going around his wrist. Suddenly, she forgot she didn't have the courage to speak. "Um, will you stay with me tonight?" 

The silence that fell after was petrifying, her panicked eyes widen, quickly opening and closing her mouth to think of something. "It might be our last night together-" 

"You've always been bad at emotional blackmail." Finnick interrupted with a laugh, walking forward, a smile now lighting up his face. "Well, lead the way." 

It might be their last night together but for the last time, they laid in bed, slow sleep taking over their bodies, but with Ella's head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her, they were the safest together and for a moment in the night, time was going by smoothly. 

And suddenly, Ella and Finnick's feelings were clearer than anything before. 


The morning couldn't have been more depressing, to the victors that were re-entering the arena at least, but the rest of the country were ecstatic to see all their favorites again. The moment Ella's eyes open, she was rushed out of her room sent to her team to get cleaned and put into the right clothes. 

And every second they got closer to getting in, Ella's panic rose, she was nervous, not as aggressive as the other tributes probably were, she didn't have an alliance with many people, but she knew she would get somewhere with the ones she did have, she didn't plan on leaving Finnick's side when she got to the Cornucopia. 

After getting injected with a tracker on the ride to the arena, Mayara by her side, tearing up every now and then, showing a  brave face no matter what. Ella had her hair up in a ponytail, her face was void like her emotions and her lips were strained in a thin line, she could feel Mayara's gaze but she couldn't speak, she didn't want to. 

After reaching, they were taken underground, for final goodbye's and last minute touches, Mayara took a hair pin out of her hair, pushing into her's. The pin being a Mockingjay. 

"To show 12, you're with them." Mayara quickly said, noticing the girl's face, her nodding later on. 

"Sixty seconds to launch." A robotic voice announced, making Mayara speed up with her bid. 

"The fabric isn't thermal, so it's definitely not a cold place, it's flexible and obviously tight fitted, kind of like a swim suit, so I'm guessing water, you're good with water so you'll have a headstart." Mayara started, fixing the girl's hair, on her shoulder. "Stay alive, i'm gonna miss you, you better come back."

There wasn't much left to say, so with 20 seconds left to launch, Ella pulled the girl into a hug, tightly wrapping her arms around the girl. 

"Thank you," Ella started, her lips lifting into a smile. "For being my best friend." 

Mayara smiled, wiping her own tear as the voice around told them they didn't have much time, moving towards the capsule, launch ready to burst in the last 10 seconds, looking at her one more time, Ella looked up, blowing out once again ready for her to change for the worst. 


I just posted my first youtube video, I''d love if you guys check it out, it's a cover and my channel name is 'Kai Farooq' 

This wasn't my longest or best chapter, i'm disappointed but I wanted to get something out. :)

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