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Dear Katniss and Peeta, 

Every day gets harder but easier at the same time. 

I'm sure it's safe to say this but the nights are hardest for me, sometimes even Finnick, we're all still plagued from the memories of what we've been through but every time I wake up, I realize that we got through it and here I am writing this letter to you, seated here on the sand, watching my family. I hope that when this happens to you, you will remember this letter and understand the same. 

Annie and Logan got married a couple of weeks ago, we wish you were here but understand why you decided to stay. Please never apologize for putting your mental health before anything else, we out of all people understand you.

Finley Odair has continued to be the brightest light in our lives, never did I think that I could love something so much in my life, he turns 2 in a week, he loves sitting on the sand by our house, feet in the water. He collects shells for me with his father and loves the water just like his parents. He misses you both, I know he does, just like I do. Finley is extremely spoilt but I cannot imagine having it any other way, we deserve that.

Becoming a mom has made me a stronger woman, stronger person, we owe it to the people who have left us to live our life to the fullest. I know our families would want us to do this, they were taken from us too soon and grief will always be one of the hardest to get over but I live knowing that I still have so much to live for.

And I hope you find serenity in my words like I have before. Visit us soon, we all miss you very much, I am positive that you will like the water just as much as you did last time.

Can't wait to hear from you, The Odairs. 


Ella, Finnick and Finley sat at the beach like any suburban family from countless novels before, Ella wore a dress, sitting cross legged on the sand with a picnic basket sitting beside her while her husband and son played in the water. A smile lit up Ella's face as she watched Annie and Logan dance, ankle deep in the water. Serenity was in the air, had been since Ella and Finnick welcomed their baby. Ella would change nothing from her past if everything led back to this, suddenly everything felt so worth it.

Commander Paylor of District 8 was elected President of Panem, a decision that the victors were more than thrilled with, they knew she would sustain the growth Panem had done in the months prior. She'd lead the future into incredible places for their children. 

"Mom! Come on!" Finley shouted, waiting for the woman to enter the water. 

Ella smiled, putting the letter and pen down, and walking straight into the water with her dress still on. She greeted her husband who's golden smile was lighting up the beach with her son's giggles filling the calm emptiness with sounds more beautiful than a mockingjay itself. And as Ella stood in the water, surrounded by her family and happiness, she realized she had truly won. Ella Odair had gotten over her apprehensive love and had found sincerity, equanimity and incomparable love in the hardest years she'd endured. 

Ella White had won. 



Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading this book, voting and commenting like you have. This is my first finished series, I am beyond grateful for all your kind words and support. I hope I have done justice to the incredible characters that will live with me forever. I hope you are satisfied with the ending and the way I wrote this book. 

Before I sign off one last time and switch this book to completed, I want to explain why I decided to keep Finnick alive. It was a very big struggle for me to decide, I love Ella White with my whole heart, I love Finnick Odair with my whole heart too so although I wanted to give an immense amount of depth to Ella's character, I realized while writing that not everything has to have a bad ending, somethings are allowed to live happily, yes I know this is a fanfiction based on a fiction book but listen to the words. 

Ella was not a hero,  not everybody has to be one, be you, be good and that's all we really need.

Live knowing you have gotten through what you have, live for yourself and for others, you can get through it, you are living proof of it. This pandemic has been a big eye opener for us, I think, so be kind to others and more importantly to yourself as we all just live everyday. 

Thank you again for all the love, 97K reads!!!!! I can't believe you put so much faith in me. I hope you enjoyed the book. Thank you for everything. Stay safe and remember that my dm's are always open to talk. xx

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