twenty; future plans, eternal love

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Days had gone by like a flash and before they knew it, Ella and Finnick had fallen into a routine, wake up, eat, spend time together, eat, visit Peeta and sleep. It seemed so repetitive and draining that Ella had started to lose track of time and would often find herself falling into her thoughts. 

As Ella sat on her bed again, with Finnick in the weaponry, she found herself deep into her thoughts when a figure approached her bed. "Elle."

Ella's eyes snapped open, slightly wider, looking up to see her brother standing above her, concerned eyes but a smile on his lips. "Hey, Logan." 

The boy sat beside her, staying quiet as Ella put her head on his shoulder, a sigh leaving her lips as her heart rate lowered with calmness. She closed her eyes with exhaustion, knowing she was the last person to be so. The pair sat in a comforting silence, both needing it as the boy beside her frowned in worry, Logan White had spent so much time away from his younger sister that it felt almost surreal to have her back. Despite her condition, his heart was full with her back and although he was livid with the Capitol for all they did he knew when the time was right they'd get justice.

"What are you thinking about?" Logan asked softly, not moving his head position, tone slightly teasing with the next. "Finnick?" 

Ella let out a small chuckle, barely shaking her head as her hair fell onto her face causing her to push it away. "I don't know what I'm thinking about. Just bits and pieces." 

"Bits and pieces? Of what?" Logan questioned, the slight dip in his lips an indication of his worry. 

"Just about how it's gonna be from now on, you know?" Ella finally answered with a nonchalant shrug. 

"Yeah, I get it." Logan answered softly with a nod. "You know I always had a feeling that you and Finnick would get together." 

"Really?" Ella said quietly, taken aback by his statement. 

"Yeah," Logan laughed, eyes crinkled at the corners. "It was so obvious, you guys would flirt all the time and just act like you were in love. It's kinda cute, but disgusting."

Ella let out a similar laugh, it being one of the first times she had let herself make the sound. "I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again." 

Logan finally looked at her, expression falling. "So did I."

"What happened? How did you get here?" Ella asked. 

Logan sighed. "It was an honest blur, I got a message from Sebastian saying the Capitol was after me and they would kill me so I had to come with him. I packed up, took a few things that I needed and before I knew it, he was here with Haymitch, telling me you were in the Capitol and they're was a high chance you wouldn't come back. That's when I thought I had lost you. I just kinda blended here after that, following schedules and timings."

"I shouldn't have doubted that they would protect you." Ella replied softly. "I just really missed you."

Logan gave her a halfhearted smile, wrapping his arms around her shoulder, pulling her into an embrace, squeezing his eyes closed. "Mom and Dad would be really proud of you." 


Finnick and Ella had finally found the time to be around each other, after her lighthearted conversation with her older brother she had walked gone to the nurse's station where she spent time with Prim who was doing her daily check up and giving Ella her morphine to help with her pained bones. Though Ella was excused of all activities, she still felt useless, since she hadn't fully recovered since her stay in the Capitol. 

"Do you ever think of the future?" Finnick asked, looking at her, head lowered. 

Ella raised her eyebrows at him, giving him a quizzed expression, replying delicately. "Yeah, of course I do."

"I mean our future." Finnick corrected himself with a shake of his head. 

Ella scooted slightly closer to him, taking his hand into her's and kissing his knuckles, resting her head on his lap. He ran a hand through her hair soothingly, making sure to brush his hand by her ear. "I think about it all the time." 

Finnick closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe, heart beating rapidly as he let out a heavy sigh. "So, will you marry me?" 

Ella's eyes snapped open, her heart stopped as she sat up quickly in shock, a small gasp leaving her throat, as her eyes widened, a smile on her lips despite the shock and confusion on her lips. Ella White never for a moment thought she'd actually get married or have a family of her own, although she had always loved Finnick more than imaginable. The way she felt about him couldn't be explained through words but only feeling. Being away from him was like her heart was being ripped into pieces and being near him was like her heart was glowing. "What?" 

The thought of spending the rest of their lives united caused butterflies to fly in her stomach and her eyes gloss with tears, heart bursting. Since the pair were young, they had dreams of fixing their broken world but falling in love never was a part of it and they could not have been happier doing so. It felt like with each others love, they'd be whole, forever, like nothing could possibly tear them apart.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, El." Finnick whispered softy, eyes glistening with light tears as she let out a breathy chuckle, her own eyes filling up with tears. 

"I couldn't imagine living a world without you, Fin." Ella stated, squeezing his hand. 

Finnick smiled, eyes gleaming and auro glowing, his perfect lips lifted and he could feel the happiness radiating off the girl sitting beside him. "Then marry me." 

Ella paused, a tear leaving her eyes, for the first time being one of happiness as she wiped it away with the back of her hand, hair falling onto her eyes, which she tucked behind her ear. "I want to. Hell, Finnick I'd love to."

It was nearly impossible for their smiles to widen more than it already but they somehow managed to, both beaming at each other as Finnick pulled out a silver band, a small diamond on it's center. He looked at it in his palm, eyes twinkling with it's usual charm, he looked up finally, eyes looking into Ella's beautiful blue's. "It was my mom's. She told me to keep it for someone that I'd love."

Ella looked at it, eyes soft, heart heavy. "It's beautiful."

Finnick Odair pushed the ring onto her finger, his slim and long fingers intertwining with her's as he placed the most gentle kiss on her hand. He looked at her, admired her, loved her, killed for her, cherished her and been afraid for her, his heart felt complete for the first time in 14 years. And as he watched her now, he gave her the sweetest of smiles. "I can't wait for you to be mine."

"Neither can I, my love." 



Hi! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Can't for the next one, I plan on making it extremely beautiful. Sorry for the long wait, let me know what you think! 

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