eight; panic

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(Read the authors note in the end xx)

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(Read the authors note in the end xx)


Wiress had proven to everyone in the area that she most certainly was not Nutts. The moment Katniss had screamed at the other tributes, claiming the arena was a clock all the tributes found themselves racing over to the braided girl. Ella beamed at Wiress, giving her a large and warm embrace to make her happy. 

"This whole arena seems to be laid out like a clock with a new threat every hour and stay only within their wedge, it all starts with the lightning then the blood rain, fig, monkeys. That's the first four hours. At ten, the big wave hits from there." Katniss guided as the tributes made their way towards the cornucopia. Ella nodded, looking down at the rocks as she followed close behind. 

"Wiress, you're a genuis." Finnick commented as he passed by her, giving her one of his famous smiles. 

"The clocks pointing at 12." Ella pointed out, motioning towards the side with her sword in her tight grip. 

"That's where the lightning strikes at midnight." Katniss answered. 

"Strikes where?" Beetee questions. 

As Katniss and Peeta start to diagram the whole conversation they had previously had and with Ella's attetion was not directed to any of the people who continued to converse but more on Finnick who stood quite, his eyes narrowed as he analyzed every word spoken between the small group of tributes. It seemed almost humorous to her but somehow the small ray of light just so happened to be hitting Finnick perfectly. 

She shook her head as Johanna eyed her, her face blank but Ella shrugged, not really knowing what was wrong with her, herself. Ella looked away from the intensity feeling warmth rise up to her cheeks and neck. A gasp from the opposite side was what alerted Ella and made her turn to face Wiress' panic-stricken face. Rage built up in Ella as Gloss slit the women's throat. Ella was quick to react along with Katniss as the two threw their weapons in their directions, both killing the man instantly. 

Despite Ella's heart hammering against her chest, feeling tears well up in her eyes at the demise of the women, she whipped her head around, watching as every tribute fought with another from the career pack. Cashmere was running towards the girl sneering as she grew angry at the fact that Ella and Katniss killed her brother. Ella pushed Katniss away, using her dagger to aim at the girl, her dagger cut right at her heart, Cashmere falling to her death. 

A canon blew again, thumping in Ella's ear as her heart raced, eyes searching fast for Finnick, his own panicked eyes looking for her's. Suddenly the ground beneath her started to move slowly, knocking her off her feet and making them roll towards the edge of the cornucopia. Water splashed everywhere as Ella struggled to grasp onto a piece of rock. Missing a few times, Ella was dangling of the edge, her eyes meeting Finnick's ones, he reached out, holding his arm, stretching it out to grab her but Ella bit her lip as her hand's grip loosened and she felt into the water like an explosion had knocked her out. 

The water had almost eventually swallowed her whole but instantly stopped not affecting her as much as it would have if she was there longer, but depite that the water was moving her left and right, causing her to gulp some water. Almost immediately reaching out for air, coughs were let out of her throat, water spilling out of her mouth as she grabbed on to the rocks piled in a line. Blubbering like a fist out of water, Ella closed her eyes, her throat tightening as fast footsteps approached her and Katniss who was getting out of the water as well. 

Finnick ran up to her, giving him his hand to help her up properly, he pushed her hair back as she just laid on the rocks.


The tributes were all scattered on the sand right by the shore, trying to think of what would happen next. Ella's hair was back in a tight ponytail as Katniss' was let out, laying over her shoulders in dark curls. 

"So beside Brutus and Enobaria, who's left?" Katniss questioned as Ella rose from the sand, tired of sitting in the same position. 

"Maybe Chaff? Just those three." Peeta answered, spaced out and blank. 

Finnick sighed. "They know they're outnumbered, I doubt they'll attack again. We're safe here." 

"So what do we do, hunt them down?" Johanna asked tauntingly. 

Before any of them could answer a shrill scream was let out in the forest, something Katniss recognized quick once her name was said and like a reaction she leaped onto her feet and ran in screaming her sisters name as Ella chased after her, running deep into the jungle loosing sight of her a few times. 

Once she stopped, Ella had approached her, coming to a halt, concerned. "Are you okay?" 

Before Katniss could answer a male scream was erupted into the air making Ella turn around, her guts-wrenching and tears welling up in her eyes. 

"Elle! Ella help me!"  Logan's voice was loud and filled with pain as Ella's head whipped around at the thought of her brother getting hurt. 

"Logan! Logan!" Ella was screaming, running in the direction of the jabberjays. 

"Ella, it's not him!" Katniss said grabbing Ella's shoulder. 

"How do you think they got that sound, Katniss? Jabberjays copy." Ella yelled back, over the sound of the jabberjays. 

Katniss' face drained of colour, her own eyes filling up with tears and worry. Another male started to scream making both girls dizzy, Ella grabbed a hold of Katniss' hand and tries to lead her to the beach. It felt like they were attacking them with not only their voices but also their beaks, Ella kept ducking looking for Finnick who was mouthing something she couldn't understand. 

Reaching up to the froce-field, her hand slammed against it, her teary eyes leaking with more tears as she shouted Finnick's name but to no avail she could hear him and vice-versa. Ella shouted his names, her heart heavy feeling like tons of weight on her chest and sinking to the floor crying as the birds harmonized with her biggest fear. Sinking to her knees, she put her hands over her ears humming softly to get away from the sounds as she could sense Finnick trying to help her best he could. 

Despite being so close to her he could barely reach her. 



Hey guys! Welcom back! A sorry is not enough to say how I feel but I sincerely apologize for not updating in literal ages especially after promising one soon, it's been a hectic couple of weeks with my life as I just started school and started learning subjects I have never learnt before like Economics, Sociology, Psychology etc. I have an Eco and Socio test on Sunday/Monday but wanted to update this for you asap. 

I have been writing this chapter for almost a month and never finding time or energy to finish it and though im not proud of the first half I defo love the second half. 

For those of you waiting for Fella kisses, expect some very soon as I try to take their relationship to the next level. 

I hope to see your response very soon and hopefully along with another update! xx

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