six; agonizing pain

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With Peeta and Finnick fast asleep, Katniss and Ella found themselves wide awake, seated next to each other, not communicating due to the former girls dirty looks directed towards both Ella and Finnick, it most certainly did not sit well wit the brunette and she couldn't help but fight back. So with the atmosphere awkward, Ella couldn't stand it anymore.  

"How's Peeta?" Ella asked, her voice filling up the quiet night that was turning out to be less eventful.

"Why do you care?" Katniss retorted quietly, her voice sharp making the other girl roll her eyes. 

"Because he's ten times nicer than you are." Ella mumbled back, not in the mood to be snarky. 

Katniss sighs heavily, her eyes drifting over to Peeta's sleeping figure only a feet away from her. "He's okay, I think. Just dehydrated like the rest of us." 

Ella nodded, her own eyes falling on Peeta briefly, before falling onto Finnick's. His hair was messy, understandably dirty and pointed in almost every direction. His head lay on the ground below and light breaths were coming in and out of his nose, with water dripping down his forehead. Ella wiped her own face, gulping any sort of saliva that was left of her dry mouth. 

Katniss turned to Ella, her hair falling behind her. "What's this whole thing with you an Finnick." 

Ella shrugged, a small chuckle leaving her lips. "I've known him since my games, he was there for me through the nightmare, the hallucinations and the guilt." 

"That's hard to believe." Katniss mumbled at her, turning back around. 

"That I was once guilty?" Ella choked out, rolling her eyes at Katniss' stubborness of believing that her and Finnick were bad guys. "Everyone is guilty until they realize they had no choice, Katniss. Me not feeling as guilty anymore doesn't mean I have forgotten everything that happened in the Arena all that time ago." 

Katniss raised her eyebrows, looking confused at Ella's sincerity and her leaving her attitude behind to understand her. Finally the girl smiled just a little, the corners of her mouth lifting up at Ella's words. "I guess I get it, but I was talking about him, the first we spoke, he was trying to know my secrets." 

Ella's own lips lifted at the mention of Katniss meeting the boy the first time, she laughed a little, her eyes gleaming as her eyes laid on the boy. "He's not as bad as you think he is, he just has little to care for now." 

"You mean you." Katniss added, surprised at herself for conversing with the other girl. 

Ella looked taken aback at her words, the girl shrugged again. "I guess so." 

Katniss nodded, feeling accomplished at the fact that she had spoken to Ella in a mature manner for once, her own eyes glide up to the sky when the anthem started to play, indicating that they were going to show all the tribute that had died in the day, previously. 

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