twenty-one; apprehensive love erased

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Flowers were hung everywhere, scattered on the floor and a brightness had appeared in the dark areas of the District. A certain happiness had been dancing in the halls of the underground area, something the people there hadn't seen in a long time and it was almost refreshing. The jitters that Ella White was feeling seemed worse than when she went for her first games, her palms were sweaty as she stared at the dress on her in awe. 

Ella inhaled, a smile on her lips, it feeling foreign but good to have a whole heart. The feeling of love swarming her heart was fulfilling and never did she think would fall for someone, let alone marry them. The idea of love had always been hard to grasp, until it happened, she was unprepared but it gave her a reason to live a little longer and though she could barely stand on her two feet, Ella was the happiest girl living and nothing could erase it. 

Somehow, Mayara who had arrived with Sebastian had made her a wedding dress in under a week's notice, something Ella didn't know was possible. And as she stared at herself in her reflection, light makeup from Katniss' on-air collection was layered on, Ella remembered her mother and father and though she was sad about it, she felt the smile on her lips to wide because she knew they were happy and proud of her. 

Ella had a long way to go, mentally and physically but the day she was currently living would be something she could never forget. The door of the small fitting room opened and a tearful Mayara walked through, a wide smile on her lips. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you, Mayara, for everything." Ella replied, voice heavy as she looked at her own hazy blue eyes, wiping her tears away immediately as the door opened again. 

This time, her brother, Logan White walked in, a blazer on his own shoulders as he let out a breathy laugh of disbelief, his own eyes watered, watching the girl before him in awe as Mayara left hurriedly. "Ella, you look like a woman."

Ella let out a small laugh, looking at the dress, touching it lightly, the smile on her face not leaving. "I know."

"But you look beautiful." Logan added, his lips lifting as well as he took long strides towards her, standing right in front of her. "I can't believe your getting married to Finnick. It feels like yesterday you two were taking walks at the beach, oblivious of your feelings."

"Everything feels like it happened yesterday." Ella said softly, looking down at her hands before hearing the music of the alter began and she looked at her brother, smiling at him and he doing the same.

"Are you ready?" Logan asked as Ella grabbed a hold of his arm and inhaled deeply before nodding softly as the doors opened and she was met with a lot of pairs of eyes but her focus was only on one person. 

Ella White looked like an angel in white as she walked slowly toward her love who looked at her with so much admiration in his eyes, tears gathering in his eyes as they became glossy. Ella could feel the jitters float away and her panic subsiding, all she wanted to do was be with him as he waited for her. Time could not have gone slower but she liked it, everything was slow, it gave her enough time to process what was happening and how it was happening. 

As the short walk came to an end, her brother turned to her, gave her a teary-eyed smile, placed a delicate kiss on her forehead and let Finnick take a hold of her hand as he took his place next to Peeta and Mayara. 

Finnick Odair's smile could not have been wider than it was that day, his eyes were gleaming and the crinkles by his eyes seemed temporarily permanent, the softness in the way he moved gave her the feeling of him being peaceful and refusing the idea of anxiety on his wedding day. He leaned in closer to her, whispering his statement kissing her head. "You look absolutely breathtaking, darling."

Ella's heart swelled, a small chuckled left her throat as everyone took their seats and the ceremony was able to start, the pounding of her heart had disappeared and she was beyond satisfied with the way everything was taking place. 

"To all present I say: We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because marriage is created in the hearts of two loving people. We can and do, however, gather to celebrate with Finnick Odair and Ella White, the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today." 

"May you always need one another; not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another; not out of lack, but to feel the warmth of their touch. May you embrace one another; not to encircle one another, but to give comfort.  May you have love, and always find love, in the pursuit of loving one another."

The minister seemed just as happy as the couple, who couldn't stop grinning, he glanced at the two. "These two souls, have been through terribly difficult times, we wish and pray for them to never go through such again, to love each other for as long as they live, now if you will turn to face each other." 

 Ella began, her eyes watching him closely, a warm smile spread on her lips. "I, Ella White, take you Finnick Odair , to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

Finnick began, his beautiful eyes roaming her face, nothing but admiration in them. "I Finnick Odair, take you, Ella White, as my wife from this day forth together we will always be united. And despite having apprehensive love for you, I will always promise to love you and respect you. One life, one purpose, one destiny."

The minister smiled, giving Finnick a nod of approval. "You may kiss the bride."

Ella bit her lip, her eyes looking deeply into his as their lips met, eyes closed and applause sounded as the two celebrated in each other's comfort, they found serenity in love for the first time, not having fear of the consequences of the love they shared. 

"I love you." Ella whispered finally, the sound of clapping growing quiet in her ears as Finnick rested his forehead on hers. 

"I love you."



i have no idea how these weddings are since I'm not christian so I literally searched to see what people say and how they say it but I barely got anything. Hope you enjoyed !! My favorite chapter so far oml xx

Apprehensive Love ¤ Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now