twenty-three; the capital mutt

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They had been walking for hours when Boggs instructed everyone to get some rest in an abandoned building that had been torn down by war and destruction. From what Ella could tell, they were seated in a diner, some of it's decorations remained untouched along with it's colorful walls and tapestries. Ella looked around, grasping the metal bottle of water tightly, taking a quick sip to soother her scratchy throat, it feeling like sandpaper as she sat opposite of her husband. 

Husband felt like a foreign word for the girl to use, but every time she found herself using it she would light up, the scene of her wedding was still so fresh and the thought of it simply brought her such a strong happiness that it could defeat all the memories of the capital single-handedly. Finnick had been quiet for most part of the journey along with Ella, simply because they didn't have much to talk about. 

Ella passed the water bottle to her husband, her lips lifting up to copy his expression, she broke the silence. "I'm happy."

"You're happy?" Finnick mused, a cheeky smile on his face. "This isn't the place I'd imagine my wife to be happy."

"I'm happy and excited but scared too." Ella admitted while laughing briefly, looking down at the daggers still in her hand. Her hair would usually fall on her face but it was secured tightly in a hair tie. "I'm happy and excited cuz we can finally live at peace, you know raise a family near the beach back in District Four. But at the same time, I'm scared that it's gonna take too long."

"You know, the second you say it and we can go back." Finnick said quickly, reaching out to squeeze the girl's hand. 

"I know. But I want to be a part of this. I want to be the one to watch the Capitol burn." Ella affirmed, her voice angered slightly. 

"And we will." Boggs interjected, with a respectful nod making Ella smile a little.

Before either of the couple could further continue their conversation, the slow hum of a vehicle approaching interrupted them, their heads snapping in the direction from where it was coming. They all stood up soundlessly but quickly, preparing all the weapons they were holding and getting ready to make sure they wouldn't be attacked. 

"Is that peacekeepers?" Someone asked worriedly, but Ella was too focused on being prepared while Finnick walked ahead of her, holding his arm out to refrain her from coming in front of him so that he was able to shield her. 

"451 to base." Lieutenant Jackson spoke into the walkie-talkie remaining calm. "We've got a truck coming in from the South Over." She paused, listening to what was said before nodding as Ella looked back. "Stand down, everyone. It's friendly." 

Ella frowned in confusion, spiking her curiosity as she picked up the pace and walked up the steps to the main road where a truck was approaching, it's camouflage standing out rather ironically in the desert shaded area they were in. The truck paused for a moment, the sound of the engine ceasing as a soldier jumped out with his gun and walked toward the back leaving the rest of the crew clueless. The doors to the back of the truck opened and another person dressed in similar clothes than their own jumped out, walking a little to reveal Peeta who wasn't looking at anything but down, mumbling to himself. 

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