twelve; beaten down

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Ella White was struggling to keep going, her will to stay hopeful was slowly deceasing with her sanity. Her only serenity in the small jail cell seemed to be the company of Peeta and Joanna who were  often weary around mentioning her brother or Finnick. The three tributes would crack sometimes, Joanna would have spasms of anger almost attacking the peacekeepers, while Ella would have emotional breakdowns. 

The confined metal walls were always closing in on them, eating away at their sanity, it had been barely two days since they were trapped in the cells, being monitored by guards everywhere. Everybody refused to tell the tributes why they were there, locked up like animals. Ella was always quiet, left to her thoughts but the company of Peeta was the only thing that helped her, his embrace, quite brotherly like, reminded her of home and her childhood with Logan who always seemed to be on her mind.

 Ella and Peeta had always been nicer to each other compared to their significant partners so them bonding didn't come to a surprise to either of them and though it had barely been more than 52 hours, every second they reminded each other or the others company. Ella would listen to Peeta and he would do the same.

Ella always acted tough, like nothing in the world could affect her or knock her down but the isolation from certain people was eating away at her mind. Finnick was the one who kept her grounded, who made her feel safe and protected and being away from him, not knowing if he was safe or not, made her crazy. 

Ella sat on her bed, facing the bars of the cell with Peeta on her left, the boy was pacing around. Peacekeepers started to walk towards the tributes, their heavy boots hitting the floor. 

"Ella White, the president will see you now." They spoke monotone like a robot, harshly grabbing a hold of Ella's arm. 

She glared at them, ripping her arm  from their grasp, the bubbled up rage came out too suddenly. Peeta stood to the side, expecting the situation, ready to interfere if things got out of hand. "I'm not going anywhere, you can tell the President that I will only talk to him when he lets us go."

The peacekeeper nodded at the other one, grabbing a hold of her other arm. "He mentioned you would be this way." He sneered. 

Ella ripped her arms out their grasp one more time but another came in holding her down and using his leather whip as a weapon to hurt her, a slap to the side with the weapon caused her to get into a fetal position, her face contorted into pain as Peeta pounced on the guard who used his strength to retaliate. Joanna tries to help but gets held on the ground. 

"Don't disrespect the President!" The Peacekeeper screams, another whip to her slightly bare back. Ella let out a pained cry, her eyes clutched close when finally two guards came and picked her from the ground like a trophy, dragging her to wherever against her will. 

Ella's eyes shut from the pain that left her drowsy, her head thumping but still with one thought on her mind. 


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