three; united for now

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A significant amount of awkwardness filled the elevator when Finnick and Ella made their way back to their floors, with Johanna stripping for the males and making the girls quite uncomfortable, despite the fact that Ella was good friends with her. 

Finnick and Ella were heading to the training center, unfortunately everyone in the whole room were already aware about all their talents and gifts so they had no choice but to intimidate people who were already threatening the others around them. 

Finnick and Ella immediately split up, going to their designated areas for training, Ella never assumed she would have to re-enter the area making her not keeping up with her training, however that didn't mean she didn't remember how to fight. 

The first area she walked towards happened to be her expertise area, with all the tributes in the room, it was her time to be a stubborn and aggressive bitch, with her hair pulled into a ponytail, she tightened it and stepped into the small room, grabbing the daggers from the side she pressed start and began the simulation. 

With the automatic and robotic people running towards her, the daggers in her hand seemed to be the only thing for her protection, aiming with rapid eyes, she let the weapon fly from her grasp, continuing the motion at a fast pace, making sure her eyes never left the target. As the last dagger flew from her hand, it hit right in the center of the skull, with a nod of approval she let out a breathe. 

Turning around to face a gobsmacked audience was quite surprising but nonetheless she let a smirk on her lips as Johanna nodded, impressed while Finnick sent her a sly smile with a wink, she watched Katniss give her a smile, with Peeta not knowing what to do. 

Giving Finnick a knowing smile, she briskly walked past the crowd walking over to the next station as if all of that hadn't even happened. 


Time was flying by way too quickly for Ella to comprehend what the hell was happening and before she knew it, it was time for the interviews with Caesar Flickerman, and all Ella could think about was how The Hunger Games were becoming closer and closer  and she felt sick just thinking about it, it was absolutely crazy. 

As Mayara continued to fix the dress that Ella wore, she couldn't help but question what the whole reason she was listening to the rest of the tributes blabber on about everything. 

"Mayara, why are they talking bullshit?" Ella huffed, rolling her eyes once again as she watched the T.V in front of her. Herself and Finnick were going to be up relatively quicker than the others since they were the fourth district which meant Mayara refused to answer too focused and panicked to answer. 

Sebastian walked through, a drink of champagne in his glass, his hair gelled back he smirked at her. "Everyone's trying to stop the games, basically be an emotional mess, it's not gonna work but at least you can try, right?" 

Apprehensive Love ¤ Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now