twenty five; dead victors

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When the morning had returned, the troops were fresher than they were the night before. They were up on their feet, armed and as ready as they could be for the day they had ahead of them. Ella was holding her daggers and her signature sword, a gun strapped to her chest with Finnick holding the infamous Trident, they stood side by side as Boggs instructed them. Ella's hair was tightly tied in a ponytail, her face fierce like it was when she was in the games. 

Boggs approached the group, holding up an extra gun in his hand, he showed them it, standing in the center of the grouped soldiers. "Listen up. Mag's empty, it's only for the propo." The man handed it to Peeta who looked at it weakly, before turning around and walking away. "Let's move, we're headed five blocks north." 

With that they began their journey walking, the holo's beeping had become less distracting than it was before and had become background noise as Ella walked with Finnick and Peeta, her looking at him everytime they heard something in the distance, she had felt more anxious than she did before, maybe it was the environment around her reminding her of her time in the capitol. Finnick was helping Peeta remember his lines, the blonde boy was having trouble remembering it. "To the citizens. To the Capitol, our war is not with you."

"To the citizens. To the Capitol, our war is not with you." Peeta recited with a nod, speaking to himself. 

"You will be a vital part of the democracy." Finnick said out loud, looking at the ground as Ella walked ahead of them. "that follows our victory."

Peeta recited the same sentence again. "be a vital part of the democracy that follows our victory."

"You got it." Finnick smiled encouragingly, patting him once on his arm as Ella smiled at them. 

Peeta nodded, unconvinced, as they continued to be led by Boggs, the holo beeping continuously along with sounds of feet against gravel, Finnick and Ella were on each side of Peeta, them both glancing at him every other moment. The prop crew approached Boggs, nodding their heads at the surrounding. "Boggs, this is a good spot. Through there in the courtyard."

"Okay, let us clear it." Boggs declared with a nod, walking forward and down the steps with everybody following behind. The holo beeped rapidly as they reached the last of the steps, Boggs waving it around as it increased as he waved his hand at them, telling them to stay quiet, he stopped. "Got a pod. Split. Take cover."

They did as told, Finnick and Ella holding hands as they crouched on right side of the wall, Peeta was crouching in front of Ella, her nerves picking up as Finnick squeezed her hand, Boggs threw a rock in the direction of the pod, he immediately hid behind the wall as sounds of rapid guns came out, loud and heavy in their ears as Ella squeezed her eyes shut, grasping Finnicks hand tightly, reciting her therapeutic affirmations in her head that the nurses in District 13 had told her to do if she felt a trigger coming on. The gunfire came to an abrupt stop as Ella finally opened her eyes and took a couple of deep breathes, nodding at herself in assurance. 

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