twenty-two; saving the future from the present

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Finnick and Ella were a married couple. They were as official as one can be and nothing the universe did could erase the love they shared. It seemed that timing for the pair would never be perfect, as the moment their wedding had ended they found themselves fleeing and meeting up with Katniss and her team to finally destroy what as left of the Capital. 

As they all silently sat in the aircraft, practically heaving in fear, Finnick and Ella clutched each other hands tightly. Finnick had begged the brunette to stay home and get rest but she had refused, saying she could never stay back while he risked his life. The dazed lover had looked over her. "What are we doing?" 

Ella looked back at him, barely managing a smile. " To save our future from the present"

The trip felt short, but it could also be due to their nerves that allowed them to keep from regretting their decision although neither of them had. It was hard to say that they were not having doubts but there was nothing more than being a part of the rebellion that they wanted. 

When they finally arrived with the rest of the unit, everyone was immediately told to find Katniss and Gale which they proceeded to do, finding the Girl on Fire being introduced to the rest of the team. As they approached, Katniss' bewildered face saw them, walking up to the couple in surprise. "Finnick, Ella? That was a short honeymoon." 

The girl hugged Finnick before embracing the girl softly, knowing the girl was still weak after the last several weeks. The two chuckled lightly, "Yeah well, we're just gonna have to have one in the Capital. Once we get it."

Ella nodded in agreement as Boggs entered the area, gathering every ones attention. "Gather round everyone." 

Finnick and Ella walked toward the group, hand intertwined both silently communicating their fear and somehow comforting each other without words. Boggs continued, despite noticing the doubt from the others. "Squad 451, you're with me. Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command. Each one of you is Elite in some form of combat. But we are a non combat unit. So we'll be following days behind the front line troops." 

"You're to be the onscreen faces of the invasion." Said one of the girls who was a part of Katniss' camera team. She looked at everyone before continuing. "'The Star Squad' It's been decided that you're most effective when seen by the masses." 

"So we're not gonna fight?" Gale interrupted, looking between the two, confused. 

Boggs turned to him. "You'll do whatever you're supposed to do, soldier. It's not your job to ask questions." 

Gale nodded stiffly. "Yes, sir."

"Our instructions are to shoot propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the Capital. You were handpicked to intimidate their forces. And inspire surrenders. Even though we'll be working on abandoned streets miles behind the front line, I guarantee you, wherever they put us it will not be safe. This is a war zone." Boggs warned them, he was intimidating himself, but an obviously good person to lead. "It is likely we will encounter both active pods and peacekeepers. You're considered high value targets to The Capital. In the event of capture you will be given nightlock pill. A poison that acts immediately. Lieutenant Jackson do the honors." 

The Lieutenant nodded, handing out the pill one by one to each member of the team, everyone watching it with fear, causing both Ella and Finnick to glance at each other briefly. 

"Our unit has been given a holo, a database that contains a detailed map of the Capitol and a list of every known pod. These pods can trigger anything from bombs to traps, to mutts. We cannot move without this device. There's no guarantee that our database is complete. There could be new pods that we're not aware of. Because we don't want the Gamekeepers to know we have this intel, there's a self-destruct on it. You flip the switch and say nightlock three times, and it blows itself and anything within a 10 foot radius. Stay within our unit." 

As Boggs explained an illustration of the map appeared, Ella taking a deep look of it, it containing red blinking dots that signaled a pod. 

 Finnick looked at Ella then at Katniss mumbling snarkily. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the 76th Hunger Games." 

Ella took a deep breathe before mumbling. "And may the odds be ever in your favor."


Ella walked with her eyes squinting, dry gravel and sand was carried towards her in the wind. Her hand was tightly grasped by Finnick who marched beside her, vigilantly looking around them, making sure they wouldn't get stuck in a trap. Ella huffed, daggers in her hands while a gun was strapped around her. All she could imagine was the destruction that had happened moments before their arrival. 

The beeping from the holo was causing a migraine of bad images to occur in her mind. All she could think of was the beeping of the rooms when she, Peeta and Joanna were captured. Although she tried to block it out most of the time, she couldn't help but go back to the times she wasn't okay. Finnick peered at her, concerned, still not stopping. He knew not to bring it up so simply put on of his arms around her, squeezing her tight to tell her that he was here. 

The beeping however, suddenly became erratic, signalling  their very first encounter with a pod. Boggs shuffled forward. "Got a pod. Let's take cover." 

With that said, everyone imitated his steps and moved forward shielded by a large statue as Finnicks arm never left her shoulders. Boggs looked at Katniss, pointing ahead. "Shoot through those two buildings."

Katniss did as told, firing towards the sky when a sudden fire rose along with a heavy explosion, causing the whole team to duck, making sure they wouldn't get hit. Ella and Finnick shared a look, realizing what exactly they had signed up for, hours after their marriage. 



holy cow. 

Hi everyone! I'm back! I can't believe I have neglected writing for so long but this feels so good. I have no excuses for being gone this long, I've just been overly busy with school as I'm in GRade 11 now, doing my Igcse's. So sorry for being gone so long but I thought I'd end the year with a chapter. 

I can not thank you enough for all the support I've recieved from all of you. We hit 50K!!! I can't believe it. I haven't been on wattpad in so long but I knew i just had to come back now. Thank you guys for sticking with me. I can assure you that from now on you will be receiving frequent updates from me. 

Thank you again for your patience, I promise to see you very soon xx

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