two; first impressions

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As both Finnick and Ella sat at the table, later being joined by Triveline who was quiet yet beaming quite unrealistically. Ella had barely remembered the last time she was in the Capitol, she was always invited to parties hosted by the President which she was forced to attend. The silence was enjoyable to the pair every now and then, the joyful host speaking out every now and then about the capitol. 

Ella and Finnick were staying brave so far, not really talking about the games since they had last spoken, but both of them knew the other was constantly thinking about it. And they didn't want to, the last thing they needed was being clouded with thoughts at the parade or the training times. 

Ella's heart thumped loudly, she was scared for a split moment, hoping Finnick didn't hear her sudden erratic breathing that was not leveled at all, her messy thoughts was copying her messy heartbeat that was beating a second too fast, practically driving her insane in the mean time. Ella kept thinking about him, his smile and his cocky facade that drove her crazy and her pulse just as mad, she kept thinking about the possibilities of falling for the boy she had known for so long. 

They had no boundaries, they were accepting to any sort of love or comfort from the other.

 So as Ella and Finnick almost finished all the food on the table, making small conversations between themselves, the opening of a door is what made them snap out of their attention. 

A man stumbled into the room, not intoxicated but obviously clumsy on his feet, Triveline gasped. "Sebastian! You cannot just tumble into the room a whole day late with a mischievous grin on your face!"

  "Always a pleasure, Triveline, good to see you looking like that."   Sebastian grinned as he finally walked over to the table, Ella smiling brightly at him as she stood up to envelop him in a tight embrace. "Oh sweetie, you look ravishing, but it really is a shame with what's happening isn't it?"

Ella nodded meekly, pulling away and moving for Finnick to greet the man, that's when the two started to conserve as Triveline put her hand on hers. "Mayara will see you tomorrow right before the parade, she'll make you look even more beautiful."

  "I don't doubt that, Triveline." Ella mumbled, giving her a little smile before the older women removed her hand from under as she releases a small whimper, making Ella's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 

"I'm sorry," Triveline started as Finnick as Sebastian take a seat at the  table, them just as confused as the girl. Triveline always had a unique attitude, preppy and someone who would never receive any sort of bad attitude from anyone, she had a tough exterior but a sweet one. Seeing her breakdown over small things were something they had become used to, but this was unexpected. "But everything that's been happening with the uprisings and the Quarter  Quell, it's so hard for me." 

"Uprising?" Ella questioned with a tone of disbelief, she immediately looked at Finnick to see his reaction, his face stayed the same, however. 

"And with that said, we need to talk about something tomorrow morning 7am sharp. My friend Haymitch will be there too, right before you go to get ready for your parade." Sebastian instructed, with a nod of his head and approval from the two young tributes, he walked away mumbling a sharp goodnight. 

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