twenty-seven; new beginnings

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When Ella woke up, she was no longer in the shop but in an unfamiliar room. After Katniss and Gale had set off into the Capitol, Tigress suggested they all return to the basement and get some rest until they'd get orders from the Rebels. They had all fallen into a dreamless yet heavy sleep. When Ella woke up she felt like she had been asleep for months. She woke to her arms attached to IV's confusing her greatly, she looked around, starting to recognize the furniture and feeling her heart beat faster. The luxury and lavish room told her she was in the Capitol again, she broke out into a cold sweat, crying loudly, thinking she had been captured again. 

Ella was crying, a mess as she started to hyperventilating from the sudden flashes of her time in the capitol, her mind taking her to dark corners of her memories that she had tried so hard to forget, so she'd be able to move on with her life. Upon the commotion, a group of people walked in, looking at the crying girl worriedly, Ella almost didn't recognize them until arms wrapped around her and she spotted her brother standing in front of her, amongst a group of guards and  worriedly watching her. Ella stopped, looking at who had hugged her and noticing that it was Finnick, who's blue eyes were piercing into her. Ella was overwhelmed from the shock and the new environment. "Wher- How are we- Finnick? Logan? What's happening?"

"Calm down, love." Finnick said with a smile, caressing her face as Logan came and took a seat on the other side of her. "We're in the mansion, it's over. We won."

"W-what?" Ella asked in surprise, tears of joy coming to her eyes, her mouth parted in shock. "How? Katniss got him?"

"No, she didn't but they surrendered. It's all over. Coin arranged a meeting for us, the surviving victors." Logan explained further, noticing her still confused expression, she rubbed her face, he sighed. "You've been sleeping for about a week, they told us you needed rest and the IV's are just nutrients that your body needs. You're okay. I promise we'll give you all the details once everything calms down."

Ella exhaled, enveloping Finnick in a tight hug, tears of joy leaking out of her eyes as he squeezed her back tightly, chuckling in excitement. Ella glanced at Logan who was looking at her with a smile. "Were you mad that I left?"

Logan White sighed, shaking his head, taking her hand and squeezing it. "I was at first, but then I realized that you needed to do what you had to do to get closure. I knew in the end that it was something you had to do. I won't lie though, I missed you a lot and I was so scared that I had lost you when the Capitol put out that you were all dead but then you were wanted again, so."

Ella smiled softly at him, leaning forward to hug him. "You're incredible, Logan. I love you so much."

"I love you too." Logan answered, embracing her tightly, rubbing her shoulder. "You deserve so much, El."

The door opened again and a doctor walked in, adorning her white coat. Ella tensed up, her grip around Finnick tightening, he gave her a single nod, moving away from Ella as Logan stood up. The doctor nodded to the group as a greeting before turning to the guards, joined by a nurse who stood to the side, waiting for the doctor to say something. "Only her husband and brother can stay."

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