nine; heartache and love

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It had felt like years when the birds had gone away and everyone had rushed to Katniss and Ella who were unresponsive to any claims of their health. Finnick was the first to leap out of his position and hold Ella until she realized that he was the one trying to calm her. Ella didn't look at him when he held her, she didn't even open her eyes to take a look at him, she was benumbed with no desire to converse or feel or even speak to the one person who knew how to help her. 

Logan White's screams were still ringing in her ear like a bad melody stuck in her head, it was like a screech and too hard to listen to as her hands gripped her ears still. Tears continuously leaked out of her eyes like a never-ending cycle of turmoil. Ella's cries were loud, much more louder than Katniss as Joanna kneeled beside her too.

"Ella, Ella, look at me, it's over. Hey, it's over." Finnick's voice finally snapped her out of her trance, her heart beating erratically against her chest. Her wet cheeks glistened in the sunlight peeking through the leaves that stood tall. Ella finally looked up, her throat tight and her eyes wide as another cry left her dry lips. 

"It's okay. They won't hurt him." Finnick claimed as he brought her into his chest, her sobs blocked out by his chest, his arms wrapped around her back and her hands wrapped around his arm as he assured her that he was okay. "I promise they won't do it again."

It took a while for Ella to let it hit her that the Capitol would not hurt Katniss and her siblings to get their attention but more so to put them down for figuring out the layout of the arena, it was almost like a punishment. 

"Your fiancee is right, the whole country loves your sister. If they tortured her or did anything to her, there'd be riots in the damn capitol." Joanna assured with a proud smirk on her face as she stood up looking into the sky. "Hey, how does that sound, Snow? What if we set your backyard on fire. You know you can't put everybody in here!" 

Everyone was shunned to silence listening to Joanna as birds chirped in the sky without a care in the world. With both Peeta and Katniss' faces flabbergasted, she shrugged her shoulders almost sadly. "What? They can't hurt me, there's no one left I love." 

With that she turned away, mumbling that she would find some water and everyone was left behind thinking on her words,


After everything that had happened, it was impossible for everyone to go back to normal, it was almost fair that Finnick and Ella had found themselves deeper into the water, sitting there, with tears welling up in the latter's eyes at the thought of her only family getting hurt by the psychopaths in the capitol.

"This sucks." Ella finally says, breaking her long silence, Finnick finally looking at her. "Not knowing whether he's safe, whether Sebastian won't break his promise."

"He won't. Have more trust in him. Or in Triveline." Finnick assured. 

"I trust them, I don't trust him." Ella motioned around her, Finnick instantly knowing she was talking about Snow and his hand reached to her hand, grasping it softly. "How do I know if I can trust someone like him, holding his life in his own bare hands." 

"He's filthy." Finnick added with a nod of his head. 

Ella pulled her knees to her chest, resting her head on it, letting a long breathe out. "Thanks for being a constant." 

"You shouldn't have doubted it in the first place." Finnick smiled, getting closer to the girl who let a small smile on her own lips. 

"I never did." Ella admitted.

With the two smiling under the warm sun, sitting in the cool water, it was probably the most cliche setting any of them could think of, their lives were in danger and the could die at any moment. It was something that would come strictly out of a movie. Ella wasn't sure, she could practically see her brothers knowing gaze and the audience's anticipation of it all. It was what people had been waiting for, for years but more importantly what each of them had unknowingly needed. 

"Let's give them a show." Finnick whispered, his eyes almost closed whilst leaning in. 

Ella smiled almost like a smirk as she leaned in more for confirmation. As soon as their lips met, a warmth spread from it to her heart, her heart fluttered in her chest as they pressed them together. It was an unrecognizable feeling that should have lasted a lifetime but ended too soon. Both Finnick and Ella always ignored the feeling that they shared but this made them crave it, it made them want it more than ever before. 

Ella could feel the smile on Finnick's lips just as she knew he could feel hers. Pulling away in a few moments with Joanna shouting their name with taunt in her tone that made Ella roll her eyes as Finnick outstretched his hand to pull her up, not letting go at all. 



FREAKING FINALLY, RIGHT?? Hope you guys enjoyed this short but cute chapter.

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