eleven; re-entering hell

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When Katniss woke up, there was a dull ache in the back of her head, her body was numb and her mind was fuzzy, she almost thought she was back in District 12 with her sister curled up beside her but she was knocked into reality when her eyes fell on the grey interior of where she was. Her eyes grew wide and panicked fast and she quickly took off the oxygen mask from her face, looking left and right only to see Beetee laying next to her in the same situation as her. 

Katniss pushed her head up, her eyes glancing around her body as she peeled off the drip from her skin, wincing as she did so. She got up slowly, the numbness of her muscle drained out the moment she stood. 

Her steps were wobbly at first, almost falling over but she kept her balance and slowly grabbed the needled on the side, that being her only weapon to use. 

"She's gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy " A voice that was quite familiar stated. 

"We need to get them out please." Another familiar voice came. 

Katniss stepped forward not realizing it would make her presence known, her confused eyes were squinted as the door opened to reveal Haymith, Finnick and Plutarch Heavensbee, she whipped her head at all three of them, taking longer to take in Finnick's distraught appearance, he had tears in his eyes and he looked desperate. 

"Morning Sweetheart." Haymith stated with a sly smile. Katniss stayed silent, anger bubbling in her like a volcano as she looked at him with rage, she leaped towards him, needle in hand ready to aim when the man grabbed her arms and pushed her towards the walls, taking the needle out of her grasp. 

"What are you doing with them?" Katniss demanded her arms shaking from the resentment.

"You and a syringe against the capitol." Haymith sighed, easily keeping her away from pouncing at him. "See this is why no one let's you make the plans." 

Katniss looked at Finnick in bewilderment, her eyes narrowed at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"  

"Stop, just listen." Finnick plead with Haymith, holding his arm out. 

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching you, it was too risky." Haymith told her, keeping his hands on her arms above her head. "It was better for you to know nothing." 

Katniss pushed him away from her, looking at the other man. "Where is Peeta?" 

"Katniss, you have been our mission from the beginning. The plan was always to get you out." Plutarch informed her, his voice and face calm. "Half the tributes were in on it. This is the revolution and you are the Mockingjay, we're on our way to district 13."

"Thristeen?" Katniss questioned, confusion clear in her voice.

"Thirteen, yes." Plutarch answered. 

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