five; annoying allies

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The blinding lights that emitted through the hole made Ella squint, with her hand coming up to shield her eyes from the sun. Ella suddenly started to rise, feeling the podium below her lift her as she managed to keep her balance, closing her eyes on instinct but re-opening them once she felt it stop. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the sunlight again before her head whipped around to investigate the new location. 

First she noticed the water around her and with a sigh of relief she felt a smirk light up her mouth as her experience was the best out of all the tributes excluding Finnick, who she didn't need to worry about anymore. 

Trying to inspect the area as time started to run out. 

"Seven... Six... Five..." A dull and monotone voice boomed through the speakers, as Ella started to look around knowing she was already at an advantage, her eyes roam the tributes that stood feet apart, her eyes landed on a flustered and shaken up Katniss who seemed to be breathing deeply. Their eyes connect for moments, it felt almost impossible since it was a great distance. 

Trying to find Finnick or Peeta was nearly impossible so Ella found herself leaning forward ready to perfect a dive into the water, the air feeling heavy and her taking slow and deep breathes to prepare herself for a swim, she could already feel her brother staring at her stance. She wanted to give him hope since she was aware of the plan for the Mockingjay. 

"Three... Two... One." 

The sound of splashed felt so far away as Ella dove into the water perfectly, swiftly swimming over to cornucopia with her hands ahead of her. She could almost sense the chaos around her, people trying to breathe and splashing as some couldn't even swim. 

Jumping onto the line of rocks, she noticed one of the scared tributes look at her with evil in their eyes, she hoisted herself up, breathing heavy as she ran forward towards the area all the weapons were, making sure she wouldn't slip and fall, not even daring to look back and see the tributes chasing her. 

Ella ran over to the table of weapons, finding her choice of weapons, quickly grabbing the daggers and the sharpest sword that were on the table, she watched as Katniss shot an arrow at one of the tributes, making her way to the girl she watched as Finnick approached as well. Katniss whipped her head to see Ella, almost aiming at her but Ella and the said boy raised her hands at the archer. 

"We're with you." Ella let out, bowing her head slightly to show her the mockingjay pin in her hair, Katniss furrowed her confused eyes as Finnick grabbed one of his spears, motioning to the gold band on his hand, 

"It's a good thing we're allies." Finnick smirked, looking behind her. "Duck."

Katniss obeyed, ducking out of view as Finnick aimed his spear at a man, it flying towards his chest and a canon went off, indicating he was dead. Not having time to shake off the feeling of guilt in her stomach, Ella watched as Finnick instructed Katniss to hold off people. 

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