twenty-six; the almost end

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"My brother knows these tunnels really well, he worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him an Avox." Castor explained as the noise of the train passed from above them and the last man jumped off the ladder they had climbed down. 

Ella squeezed Pollux's arm with assurance while he smiled at her halfheartedly. Finnick joined Ella, he hadn't left her side since she had thrown up the night before which she appreciated since the smell of the underground made her nauseated, she had nothing left to throw up though, making it easier for her to get through the day. 

The squad had been walking for what felt like hours when they finally reached a train station, with the noise of the transportation, they all ran forward to hid behind the wall, the train zooming passed them without any doubt panting slightly while they waited. When it finally left, the holo resumed it's beeping as Katniss and Pollux took the lead once more. Finnick and Ella, hand-in-hand, rushed forward with them as Pollux pushed a door open and were led into a tighter hall with the smell of moist walls. 

Ella gulped, face twisting at the smell but shaking her head to continue forward, a group of kids going down another long ladder, Ella sighed before joining Finnick to go down the steps, jumping on the floor when they reached close enough to the ground, the ground damp with something that did not smell like water as Ella attempted to ignore it. "Suddenly, I can smell everything."

Finnick chuckled as they waited for the rest of the group to get down, nobody spoke, mostly because there was nothing to say, they also didn't want to make noise to attract any unneeded attention. When they walked into a tunnel like space, a loud sound of gas caused them all to drop to the floor instinctively until Jackson called out to them. "Everyone alright?"

A collective 'Yeah' seemed to suffice as they all stood up shakily.

They carried on, progressing into tighter and more claustrophobic places, ducking and crawling where necessary walking in a pool of water with their weapons in hand, it was easy to feel weighed down but thanks to Finnick and Ella's experience with water, they were able to get through it easily, Finally they were able to get out of water, them only ankle deep before finding a tunnel where they could rest. 

"All right everyone, we're gonna stop here for a bit and get some rest, yeah? I'll take first watch." Jackson told them with a single nod as everyone piled in uncomfortably, taking a seat on the floor. 

Ella sat down with a huff, eyes already shutting  as Finnick did the same and took a seat next to his wife, her opening her mouth to speak to Peeta. "Hey, Peeta, just tuck in here."

He took a seat beside her with a smile, exhaling as her head dropped onto his shoulder, his own falling on her head. Lieutenant Jackson nodded before continuing. "Alright everyone, settle in."

Without another word needed, Ella's eyes shut and she fell into a dreamless sleep. 


Sounds of far screamed awoke Ella and Finnick, they both jerked forward, heart beating quick as they sat up immediately, Ella's panicked hands went onto Finnick's, squeezing it as he himself prepared. Ella instantly pulled out her sword and daggers, like instinct from when she was in the Hunger Games. The hissing voices in the distance started to get clearer, The Victors all shared a look, knowing instantly what the sound was. 

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