ten; bye bye arena

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After Beetee had explained his plan to kill the careers, everyone was left with eeriness in the air, everyone knew what the others were thinking, that's why suddenly everything was silent. Like a bomb of thoughts had erupted in their minds, what was gonna happen next? Will they die? Will they live? Should they live? 

With everyone split into pairs, the obvious ones being Finnick, Ella and Peeta and Katniss, they were all speaking quietly, analyzing and thinking of their new plan and what was going to happen next. 

With every passing hour, Ella became more and more stressed out, she would run a hand through her damp hair and sit in the water, hoping the waves would carry out all her problems. Every second put a pound of weight on her shoulders as she worried about the next couple of hours. With her attention at nothing else but the ocean water, it was easy for Finnick to spot the sudden mood shift she was having. 

"Hey, what do you keep thinking about?" Finnick questioned as he took a seat next Ella in the water. 

Ella didn't look up as Finnick wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I hate thinking that this place has some beauty, it's just a war space, where people die but this place is beautiful." 

Finnick was confused to say the least waiting for the girl to finish before he could make a statement. Ella glanced at the blonde briefly, her eyes warm but distant. "It's an okay place to die, you know? Visually of course. I just think there's no way I'm getting out of here without you, so this place might not be bad."

Finnicks expression drops, his head falls and his eyes meet the sand. Ella looked at him for a second, realizing that her words were stressing him out and that was the last thing she waned. "Fin, I made a promise that I would protect you, even if it means I die." 

"Ella, you keep forgetting that I made the same promise, we're both going to get out of here, okay?" Finnick finally looks up, cupping Ella's face firmly but softly at the same time. 

A tear slipped out of Ella's eye, her watered eyes were now looking straight into Finnicks. "I'm so scared of loosing you." 

Finnick sighed, wiping her tears away before pulling her into his chest, her own arms wrapping around his neck. "You won't loose me." 

Ella pulled out of the embrace, her eyes now more emotional then before, she shook her head. "You can't promise that, Fin." 

"I know," Finnick answered with a sigh, looking at her with desperation.  "But I can try and so can you, because I need you just as much." 

"Hey, lovebirds, I mean both of you, come on!" Johanna shouted, interrupting the moment with a wink sent Ella's way as Peeta and Katniss looked over at the pair, catching Ella's eyes. the raven haired girl sent her a knowing smile as if she could understand how she was feeling at the moment. 

Apprehensive Love ¤ Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now