seven; exhaustion at it's finest

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The water had relieved most of the pain but every now and then a tingle would spark on Ella White's skin as she effortlessly and quietly, rubbed her hands and ankles soothingly. The poison fog had not only drained their physical state but also their mental state and collapse on the forest floor. As Ella sat beside Katniss and opposite of Finnick, she didn't realize how she had basically refused to look anyone in the eye. 

The silence was awkward in a way but rightful as there was nothing they could talk about other than the stuff that had taken place but none of them bothered to acknowledge it. They were stubborn and refused to. Ella was on the verge of popping her head open as the sudden stress and silence was making her go crazy. 

"Ella, you want water?" Peeta finally questioned, being the only genuine person in the arena. 

Ella smiled softly nodding her head with a sigh as the boy passed her the made-of-scratch cup filled with the liquid, she drank it quick and passed it back mumbling a thanks with a smile he had returned. 

"Ella, grab your sword slowly and keep looking at me." Finnick instructed, giving the girl a wide eyed glances, she was about to question him and look back but the boy narrowed his eyes at her and signaled more urgency making Ella quickly grab her weapon and slowly make her way to Finnick's outstretched hands and Katniss motioned the same for Peeta. 

Confused but quiet, Ella took his hand and slowly made her way to him, his eyes glued on her's as her breathing became erratic and her heart started to beat loudly. Finnick's eyes were soft, making her feel a sense of relief but it wasn't her biggest concern. When she finally reached the boy she quickly turned around to see what had caused all the commotion. Her eyes met with angry mutts that left shivers down her spine, almost falling over but being helped by Finnick securing his arm on her waist. 

With her hand gripping on the sword tightly, Ella's wide eyes and steady stance was almost impressive from her shaking figure to her stiff one, it was difficult to process she was so capable for keeping her emotions in check. However with her stance stiff and alert, Ella hadn't realized how the mutts were now surrounding the four from escaping at all, Ella squeezed Finnick's hand, one she didn't realize was still in his hand. 

"Get to the beach." Katniss advised, nodding at Ella who replicated her actions. 

Ella aimed her sword towards the face of the mortifying creature that continued to take threatening steps towards the four and with their heads snapping in almost every direction, they didn't notice the mutts approaching them. Ella jumped when she heard Finnick's trident rip through the mutt, angering it's friends. Ella's wide eyes found Finnick's. 

"It's okay." Finnick assured, Ella gulped, hesitantly nodding as she watched another one of them leap towards Katniss, using her sword to slice through the thick body. And suddenly everything around her was chaos, as the four of them stumbled towards the beach that felt so far away, they continued to fight with the mutts that followed them nonetheless. 

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