Chapter 1: Ready

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"Killing of her own mother,killing of innocent people and you want her to become... a hero?" The man in the suit said dropping the file he was holding that held important information, all might who was sitting across gave a sigh.

"Yes I believe UA can help her."

The man thinks for a moment of what the number one pro hero is saying.
He thinks his crazy, going insane for wanting this women to become a hero and stepping foot out her home. The male sighed.

"If she does anything we won't be afraid to bring the authorities in this."

- - -

"Honey?" You hear your father say and you looked up from the book you were reading to see your dad opening the front door of your room.


"Please come down stairs we have a visitor" he said and gave you a smile and walked back down the stairs leaving you in confusion.

'Visitors... we never had those in a while'
You thought and got up and brushed your hair to look a bit decent.

Walking down the stairs you see a very tall figure and your father speaking. 'His never been this happy before...'

When you put your foot on the last step you looked up and your eyes widned in shock.

"A-All Might?!" You said seeing the number one pro hero.
Your idol the man you looked up to in the toughest times was standing in your very own house.

"Young (y/n) it's great to meet you please take a seat!" All might says and you nod and sit down on the couch while he sits across from you and your father.

"Dad what's going on?" You ask him and he smiled at you.

"You will see all might will explain" he said making you nod.

"Young (y/n)..." he said to you and you gulped in fear.

'Oh no is he going to now To fully arrest me cause of the incident...'

"Yes I do know what has happened, your not in trouble , instead I would like to help you." He said making your eyes go wide.

"Help me?"

"Yes (y/n) I will help you become a hero!" He said proudly making you blink in confusion.

"H-hero?! Oh sir I can't be a hero—"

"Don't put yourself down you can get a second chance in life. I will be recommending you to UA"

You gasped.

"W-WHAT. UA?!" You said a bit to loudly and you covered your mouth in shock.
Hero? UA? For a person like you the gods must have blessed you for some reason.

You frowned.

"Why..." You said the verge of tears that were about to spill out your eyes.

"I know you can make it, you can change the world you can be different." He said and you looked up. Taking a deep breath you already knew what you wanted in life.

"I'll do my best." You said and all might nodded while his huge smile stuck on his face at how you agreed so quick.

You walked to your room as your father and all might needed to discuss some other matters.

"She will become a great hero" all might said to your father. Your father smiled happily. His never smiled this much.

"I hope she will achieve something that her mother always wanted her to achieve..."

- - -

All might giving you all the details and you got your uniform already for tomorrow morning.

How come you were told only now? How long was this planned to happen? Why all of a sudden?

Why you of all people?

You were in your bed tossing and turning ,scared you will have the same nightmares over and over.
Maybe this time it will change.

Tomororw will be your first day at UA as a first year. You were just so exicted yet scared thinking everyone must have known about the incident and will avoid you for safe measures.

"No snap out of it! You just have to be your tough self! You can do this!" You said and put your face into the pillow.

'I really need a chocolate bar.'

- - -

"Honey dont! I know you don't want to hurt me or anyone else!" You heard your mother scream as your body was covered in fur and you not knowing was happening everything was going to a blur.
Looking around you other innocent bodies lied around you and your mother

Turning your beast head you looked at your mother and growled as she looked terrified.

You didn't feel yourself.
You wernt you.

You were different.

You were dangerous.

You felt the feet of the beast you were in run to your mother... she stays still not knowing was about to happen next.
In the corner of your eye you see a male with green hair and you hear him screaming but...

- - -


You gasped and hit the clock next to you and you were breathing heavy as sweat fell of your forehead.

'Dammit that stupid dream.'
You said putting your hand on your forehead.

'Who was the guy with big green fluffy hair...?' You through gulping. You feared for the worst but shook it off your head.

Turning your phone on your eyes widned.

'Monday 6:30 Am'
Your heart sanked. You havnt been to school for 5 years since being home schooled and training at home was a force as the society refused you to leave your home.

This is your chance to have a new life.
You smiled you couldn't believe this is happening.

You had a chance. If only Mom could see this.
You took a deep breath. Opening your eyes full of determination.

"Time to start this." You smirked and got out of bed.

- - - -

All might was the one you picked you up since your dad had to leave for work knowing him busy at a hero agency doing papers.
Your dad leaving you a note a with a bar of chocolate you smiled that he was proud of you taking this opportunity.

All might was standing by the door watching you put your shoes on and getting yor school bag.

"Are you ready young hero!" He exclaimed and you held your bag straps tightly.

You smiled widely.


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