Chapter 53: Shouldn't Be Paranoid

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"Alright kiddo, here's your lunch I made for you- oh yes and I washed my paws don't worry kiddo" Lev explained as he pushed the bento and you smiled taking the neatly packed lunch.

"Thanks Lev-"

"Oh and also please don't push yourself and don't stay to late at school but don't worry I already know about your detention so your excused young lady"

"Wait how do you know—"

"Also I packed in your assignment cause you forgot it on your desk, please don't forget to much things today"

"Thanks Lev But I'm really fine—"

"Oh and also your dad is coming back today so don't—"

"LEV" you shouted with a tint of pink of your cheeks.
Lev jumped a bit as he put his paws up in defense. Ready to defend himself.
You sighed but gave a soft chuckle.
You sat down on the floor and crossed your legs.

"Look,I know what happened worried you but Lev, trust me when I say I'm fine, it was just a silly dream" you explained and lev's bunny ears dropped and he sighed.

"I know kiddo, just don't stay alone okay?" Lev warned and you nodded.
You patted Levs head and you chuckled.

"You're still my pet bunny, you shouldn't stress about a girl who's a wreck" you said to him and Lev rolled his eyes.

"Just bloody Stay safe okay" Lev groaned smacking your hand away from his head. Looking away with a blush he fixed the messed fur in his head. You chuckled and now stood up.

"Thanks Lev... I think I would have been a mess today" you told the bunny your gratefulness and Lev smirked and crossed his arm.

"Well I am the very best duh" he said pridefully as small stars twinkled around his big ego and you just sweat dropped.

'Ah there it is, his gross personality'

You shaked your head and walked to the door. Before closing it you stopped halfway and poked your head out.

"OH, don't wear anything or do anything human,remember dad is coming home today so DONT EXPOSE YOURSELF IDIOT" you shouted and slammed the door before Lev can say anything.

He rolled his eyes. Jumping on the couch he put on the tv watching an episode of his favorite designer Kolo, He brought his bowl of carrots closer to him and started Chewing loudly until he gave a short snort.

"Stupid kid just don't die"


s o m e w h e r e

"Dammit, the weak minded manage to escape my quirk by weak pathetic words that encourage them to keep moving foward..." a man said as he threw a dart onto the dart board.

He swiped his brown hair back and brought his cigarette to his lips. Puffing a grey cloud out his mouth.
Sitting on a brown couch he placed his feet on the table and gave an annoyed groan.

"Can't this girl just be submissive this damn bitch..."

He picked up a newspaper that was quite old and ripped up. Smirking he looked at the photo of a crying child. The girl had blood on her and was being held by what everyone assumes her father who shielded her from the police trying to take her away from him.
Dead people were also scattered around them. He threw the newspaper on the table and picked up another dart. He smirked as it hit a photo of the pro hero he hated so deeply. That hero had something he deeply wanted to break and make his own. Sighing he looked back down at the newspapers.

"I'll stop for now but soon you'll be mine." He said now laughing evilly and he looked down at the title of the newspaper, published 5 years ago.

what will happen to the people with villainous like quirks? Are they the biggest threat to our society?


[At UA highschool.]

'Right... look I'm fine see, I was able to walk to school in peace, no crazy things being said in my head...' you thought nervously. You opened the door to class 1-A.

'And I'm the only one here good job of not trying to be alone' you thought as you sighed, trying to calm the nerves you had.
Just before walking in you felt a tap on your shoulder.

Paranoid, you twisted your body and grabbed the persons arm and twisted it behind their back.


You blinked in confusion and saw it was tokoyami. Gasping you let go of him and he groaned and rubbed his arm. You started sweating bullets and flayed your hands around.

"Oh my god tokoyami I am so sorry, I did not mean to act on instinct" you exclaimed.
, feeling terribly bad of what you just did to the poor bird man.
Tokoyami groaned and looked up to you.

"Are you okay?" Tokoyami asked as he saw your fidgety figure.

"Psh me? I'm fine, you know I'm a total badass dude" you said with a smirk and tokoyami sweat dropped.

"Right... lets just go sit down" he said motioning you to join him. you smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I see you didn't come with Midoriya as usual" tokoyami questioned as he sat on top of a table while you grabbed a chair.
You chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck.

"Decided to just get an early start today, I did message him though so that will be fine" you explained and tokoyami nodded.

All of a sudden a black shadow came out behind tokoyami. Tokoyami just groaned.

"Dark shadow..." he groaned softly.

"Yo yo (y/n)! My favorite girl we don't talk that much!" Dark shadow said and you giggled and placed your hand ontop of the shadow.

"Yeah we should, tokoyami just avoids me thought~" you said teasingly and of course as a joke and tokoyami blushed and looked away. Dark shadow gasped and went up to his master.

"Why?! Are you that much of a whimp with girls!" Dark shadow said with sadness and tokoyami looked at his quirk in annoyance.

"I am good when it comes to girls! Shut up or go back to where you're meant to be!" Tokoyami argued and Dark shadow sweat drop.

"Hey man you don't have to get so snappy geez..."

You chuckled at the two and shaked your head. You felt so much at ease. That feeling you had was not lingering in you anymore. You felt so relieved.

'Hey maybe I shouldn't be paranoid about anything and just ya know relax...' You thought as you continued to watch the argument tokoyami had with a shadow.


Does Dark shadow talk? I can't remember now,Oh well his a cute quirk.

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