Chapter 19: Your Heart

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You and Bakugou sat in silence, waiting for mr Aizawa and principle nezu to come back inside the room as they were both talking to each other.

You crossed your arms as you felt the bruise on your back and cheek starting to pain.
You looked to the side to see Bakugou pouting and holding his cheek with an ice pack due to the punch you gave him.

'Man.. I didn't know I punched him that hard.' You thought as your felt guilt run into you.

You didn't mean to do that, but when he did that to Midoriya you couldn't but feel... angry.

'I hope izu is ok...'

You then blinked a bit.
'When did I start calling him Izu?'

You heard the door slide open attentioning both you and Bakugous attention.

Principle nedzu and mr Aizawa came inside and went to the desk that was placed infront.
Principle nedzu sat on his big chair and spinned it around to face you and Bakugou .

You gulped.
'Here goes my hero life I am so sorry dad'

"I am... disappointed with the behavior from you two." Principle nedzu started.

"But I'm not surprised that the two most hot tempered children actually got into a fight" nedzu started and you heard Bakugou scoff making nedzu look at him.

"It wouldn't have happened if this shitty mutt didn't spill her god damn water on my face." Bakugou snarled and showed his red eyes which pierced at you.

"The fuck You say? Do you want to start again?" You muttered and you grazed your teeth at the male which made his vein pop.

"I'll be fucking glad so I can blast your god DAMN ASS TO THE MOON—"

You heard nedzu slap his paws on the desk in anger making the both of you stop and sit straight again.

"Due to this behavior I have no choice but to punish you both." He said making you go very silent and Bakugou as well.

"You two will have to clean the cafe today afternoon and for the whole of next week you will do class cleaning." He explained making you and Bakugou groan, this means more spending time with this dumb idiot.

"No groaning you two did this to yourself. Go back to class, Aizawa I expect you will do the rest" nedzu said and took papers out.

"Yes, Let's go you idiots " mr Aizawa said opening the door for you two.
While getting up Bakugou stood up and dashed out the classroom.
You sighed, what a god damn idiot.


Mr Aizawa prefered if you rather went to the nurse to check on your bruises you have formed on your face and body.

Agreeing you started limping to recovery girl.
A long walk and you finally arrived to the office.
Sliding the door open you saw a messy green hair who was being cared for.

"Izu?" You softly said in shock and he turned around and you saw he had a plaster/bandage on his left cheek.

You frowned.

"(Y/n)!" Midoriya said happily with wide eyes and stood up and walked up to you.

"Bakugou did this? I should have stopped you two! You looked so beat up I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't protect you I tried but Bakugou got in the way and—"

You chuckled softly making the boy stop.
He looked down with a frown seeing the bruises his childhood friend did to you.

"Thanks izu... but it's my fault so I didint expect you to really fix it heh..."
You felt a hand on your shoulder making you look up with a blush.

Midoriya started deep in your eyes and your heart suddenly started beating.

"Next time I will protect you."

You widned your eyes. You were about to say something when you heard a cough.
You looked to the side and saw it was recovery girl waiting for you.

How embarrassing.

You blushed and Midoriya quickly removed his hand from your shoulder and he cleared his throat and his face went crimson red.

"I'll see you later (y/n) get better soon" he said smiling and walked out the room and waved you off.

"Yeah..." You said softly watching him go.

"Ok can we get started now?" Recovery girl said and you snapped your head to her and quickly nodded.

You sat down on the bed and recovery girl came closer to check your bruises.

"That damn hedgehog really took it out of ya." Recovery girl sighed and jumped off her stool and went to get her mid kit.

"Yeah..." You said a bit softly , you felt bad that Midoriya thought it was his fault.

"You know, Midoriya is a good kid." Recovery girl said making your attention go to her.

"He couldn't stay still as he was worried what happened to you, the past 15 minutes of caring his bruise he couldn't stop talking about you." Recovery girl explained chuckling at the end.
Your cheeks turned red and you felt embarrassed.

"H-he was worried?" You said shyly.
Recovery girl gave another soft laugh and jumped back her stool and applied medicine on your cheek which stinger.

"Of course he did, I told you his a good kid." She said.
You gave a smile. You never had someone worry about you, besides your dad of course.

But someone like Midoriya...

Your heart couldn't stop beating in your chest.

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