Chapter 14: Jealous

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A week has passed.
A week after you handed in your hero costume.
A week after you invited Midoriya to your home.
A week after your father and him met and now have good terms with each other.
A week after you and Midoriya made a promise, your first ever friendship was then born.

It was now a casual Monday, You and Midoriya's relationship has grown a lot, you have gotten nicer to him and only him while the rest you are a bit rude to but Midoriya has been helping you with your anger issues and that lead him to
go to your house everyday.

Your father ,still being the man that still embarrasses you has of course approved Midoriya and would make fun of you two together then and there but you wernt so affected by it besides Midoriya who would burst into the brightest blush ever.

He was sweet and kind  and was the purest thing you can meet, he was so nice, you wondered why was he so kind to you since you sometimes come out rude to him but he would normally brush it off but you would feel guilty since you know he just hides the pain.

You two have shared secrets, but not big ones of course cause the fear that he will think of you different and will run away and fear you, like the other kids use to do to you.
You told him you worked near a coffee shop so you can earn money, he had told his encounter with all might and how he got a signature from all might.
You felt like Midoriya was hiding something else but you didn't wanna bother with it.

You were never sad again, you have made progress in class ,improving your quirk which you haven't activated it fully yet and you are doing well in your classes. You somehow made a weird friendship with Bakugou since he seems to greet you but by saying "fucking mutt move it." Every morning when you walk into class.

You somehow were told you and Bakugou were similar due to him also being rude but you weren't that rude.

Anyway back to the present it was finally morning classes, you were teasing Bakugou of how he should be the sweat hero:sweaty. Today you felt like you wanted fun.

"Bakugou the sweat hero!" You shouted with laughter in your voice. You saw Bakugous hair poof in annoyance and you could hear the anger stating to build in him.


You chuckled even more as you saw him walk up to you, you wiped your eyes ,you gave a breathless sigh.
His reactions were priceless.

"Oh loook~ I'm so scared!" You said putting on a fake cry.

"Oi mutt you asking for a fucking death wish?" He said his eye twitching in the process.
You shrugged and you left Bakugou by skipping to your best friend who you somehow was grateful you grew a relationship with.

"(Y/n) is it a good idea to rile him up like that...?" Jiro asked a bit nervously as she saw Bakugou growl and return to his seat to be in peace and left alone.

You shrugged.
"Nah but it's fun to pick on that idiot" You said as jiro sighed and shaked her head.

"I won't be surprised if you die" she said chuckling at the end to see your hurt expression.

"Rude! Won't you save me?!" You said crying fake tears.
"Of course not I have warned you about that guy" she said sticking her tongue out.

"You hoe!" You punched her shoulder lightly while she gave you a chuckle and you smiled.

"Hey by the way where's Midoriya?" You asked looking around the classroom.

"Oh he went to go help with Uraraka with carrying books" she said as you pulled a chair to sit infront of her desk.

You frowned.

You slumped your cheek on the side of her desk while jiro gave a eyebrow wiggle.

"Is Someone jealous~"

You shot your head up.
"Of course not! Why should I be!?" You exclaimed and huffed as you crossed your arms.

Jiro did the same by crossing her arms and she raised an eyebrow.

"Well... those two have been friends for a while before you came , since they first met at the entrance exam I guess they grew a bond." She shrugged at the end and she went to grab her books.

You then looked down to your lap.
'Midoriya met uraraka that early... why hasn't he told me that...'

When jiro took her books out she then turned to see your eyebrows squeezed together which made her frown.

"Hey... he still likes you though don't worry" she said patting your shoulder.

"I-I know that but I just hope Midoriya doesn't... forget me..." you whispered which made jiro smile, she first met you as a cold person but you grew close to her and she's happy to see your weak sides since you've been picky about people thinking your weak, just like Bakugou.

You then lifted your head up.
"Ha psh! I don't c-care if he does I'm to cool to be forgotten!"

Jiro then sweat dropped.
'There's that girl we all know and love...' she thought.

The door then was shuffled open to reveal a bright happy Midoriya holding a piece of paper and was looking around the classroom.

His big green eyes landed on you which made you smile a bit as you saw him excitedly stroll to you and Ochaco was then followed behind but went to iida's desk instead.

"(Y/n) (y/n) look here!" Midoriya said pushing a paper infront of you and you blinked confusingly.

"What's this—"

"At the school cafe they selling (f/f) cakes and cupcakes and I had to rush to tell you because I know you really like them so we have to leave the classroom early so you can get first in line since there's only so much—"

His voice then faded as you saw him still talking to you, you smiled that your cheeks were beginning to hurt. You saw his cheeks turn red more and more and you gave a small chuckle which made him stop talking.

"Thank you Midoriya for telling me this, so let's get these sweet, sweet cake together!" You said which he stuttered at and he blushed madly and nodded his head quickly looking at how your eyes sparkled.

"Do y-y-you want to sit with us..." Midoriya said softly pointing at where Ochaco and Iida sat.
You frowned and you looked at jiro who gave you a approving nod To go follow midoriya which made you smile softly and you stood up and then you started to follow Midoriya.

"Gah Deku!!" Ochaco shouted which made Midoriya turn bright red as Ochaco went very close to Midoriya.
You gritted your teeth in annoyance but non of three noticed.
You put your hands into a fist.

'I'm not jealous.'

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