Chapter 33: Worst

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Waking up for school, you were extra grumpy.
Your morning started of horrible, brok chewing on your homework assignment, your favorite chocolate chip muffins burnt in the oven as your dad was half asleep and you were just not having it today.

'My muffins burnt, no daily sweet snack, walking to school alone how worst can my day get?!'

As you walked down the side walk you kicked a stone and it skided down an alley way.
You heard a few growls coming from the alley way.

As you looked to the side you saw a pack of stray dogs growling at you, wanted to attack you for some reason.

You sighed in anger.
Activating your half quirk you sprouted your ears and fangs and growled back to the group of dogs who whined and fear and took a running.

'Now I'm scaring dogs how great.'
You sighed and your ears and fangs disappeared and you sadly walked to school.

'If it wasn't for Izuku I would have been happily walking next to him!'

You pouted at the thought.

'I can't help but like him still, after he was so rude to me!!!'

You kicked the stone previously and your eyes were glassy but you shaked t off as you held a fist.

'If it wasn't for me... maybe he wouldn't have snapped...'

You didn't know what was happening, there were two wrongs but no right. You both just argued over something that was a bit silly.

'But he thought my secret was fucking irrelevant! That's also not nice of him!'

You huffed as you shoved your hands in your pockets.


"(Y/n) hey"

You looked up to see momo and jiro walk up to you.
Jiro pulled a chair as momo sat on one that was close to you two.

"Hi" You said bluntly and jiro was taken aback.

"Man what dog took a bit out of you?" Jiro said as a joke but you weren't really taking it as a joke.

"You'd say I'm joking when I tell you I actually did run into a pack of stray dogs this morning" You said coldly as you placed your hand on your cheek looking away in annoyance.

"Ok... what happen with you and Midoriya?" Jiro said and your eyes widened.

"How did you—"

"I'm good at these things don't worry" jiro smirked as you gave a stupid smile.

"You came to amaze me again" You said sitting up straight in your chair.

"Is everything alright (y/n)? Even Midoriya doesn't look happy himself..." momo soflty said looking over to Midoriya who was sulking , trying to pretend he was happy and was taking part in the conversation with  iida and Ochaco.

You rolled your eyes now looking away from Midoriya.

"For someone that's quiet and innocent, his a bloody cunt" you said coldly and a mean look was plastered in your face.

"That's not nice (y/n)..." momo said and you sighed feeling guilty.

"I know argh, Im just upset that HIM of all people had to go and hurt my feelings..." you softly said covering your face it shame.

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