Chapter 11: Snacks

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A/N: This is where your hero costume is designed, if you don't like the idea of it, I'm sorry about that but you don't have to use my idea and you could make up your own :D

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When Midoriya stepped foot in this house ,your dad literally took him away from you and treating him like his own son.
Damn they basically acted like a married couple.

But what your dad was doing was cross the line. You heard your dad gasped and turn the book he was holding to Midoriya's view.

"Oh look here Midoriya this is where (y/n) had her first bath, she had this little rubber duckey named sir quakes—"

You took the baby photos from your dad and closed the book tightly and your dad whined.

"Honnney we were just getting to the best part! What a party pooper am I right boy?" Your father said to Midoriya while Midoriya turned full red. He did not expected this at all. Your personality was a bit mean and tough and then you get your dad, a ray of sunshine.

Midoriya was about to answer your dads question but you cut him off.

"Don't. Answer. That."You said dangerously and Midoriya gulped and nodded his head in agreement, scared you were going to kick his butt.

"Ok dad you can get your husband later Alright?" You said in a teasing tone while your dad huffed and crossed his arms and Midoriya gave a nervous chuckle.

"What ever, I'm making some snacks! You kids run along I'll be done with the cookies juuuust now" he said and ran into the kitchen and you sighed.

Finally his off your back.

Turning around you saw Midoriya smiling dumb.

"Whatchu smilin at~" You said playfully.

"U-uh his really nice... your dad..." Midoriya said and you smiled at him.
Everyone that you have met had a hard time being this close to your dad, somehow your dad grew close to Midoriya just in a matter of seconds.

"Let's go to my room!" You cheered and ran up the stairs to your room.
While Midoriya walked up the stairs he saw a family frame against the wall the passed.

You, your dad and he saw a women who had beautiful brown hair, you got your (h/c) and (e/c) from your father but you had the same face just like that women, he figured it must have been your mom.

Midoriya stared at the frame, you had a mom..? Where was she? He wondered since he only encountered your dad.

"Midoriya over here!" You said and Midoriya walked to your location.

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"Welcome to my humble room where I eat ice cream and sleep all day!"

Swinging the door open your room was presented to him and Midoriya blushed.
You walked in first and sat on your bed.

"What you waiting for silly come in come in!" You said and he stumbled a bit inside.

"S-s-sorry this is my first time being... in a girls room..." Midoriya said setting his school bag agasint your working desk.

'B-bless his sweet soul...' You said and cried anime tears.

"(Y-y/n) are you okay you look like you about to faint?"

"More like die because of your adorableness..." you whispered to yourself.

"What was that (y/n)?"

"Nothing nothing! Let's get some work done!" You said crossing your legs and patting on your bed for Midoriya to sit on.

Midoriya took out his hero book and you waited patiently.

"I see you have other designs, do you also help the other classmates?" You asked.

"N-n-no this is where I do my hero analyses and I have pro hero states and class student information,  you actually the first person I've ever helped design a costume since I do suck abit but I'm sorry if you wont—"

"Midoriya ,Midoriya calm down its alright I'm excited to see how we can improve!" You said to him and he smiled softly but cheeks dusted with red.

"Let's see..." you said taking the book and looking at the design he has brought you.

Midoriya watched you as you examined the page in silence making him nervous.

'Is my style  a bit to much...' he thought.

"Midoriya I love this style, the camo is a good idea but everything... it's so close?" You said making him blush.

"W-wait you want some of your skin to show????" He said in question, he didn't know you were that foward.

You took a paper and pencil and started scribbling.
"Not in that way Midoriya" you explained and he nodded.

"Ok here, the idea of the light weight boots is a good idea since I depend a lot on my speed and weight, the camo is a good combo since I love using stealth and that but then I don't want to feel so closed in so two separate pieces is better instead of a jumpsuit so I'll make the black  top short and the camo pants will
be tucked in my boots and then maybe gloves will work and my belt will have holders for bandages and medicine Incase I get injured or others get hurt..."

You then went soft, you just mumbled.
You faced Midoriya who was resting his palm on his cheek and was listening to you but he seemed a bit out of it as he kept staring at you.


"Y-Y-YEAH????" He said a bit surprised as he was in lost of his own thoughts. You were just so pretty to him.

You chuckled.

"I think I got my design!" You said showing him the paper.
He took the paper nervously and looked over.

It was almost the design he made but more in your way.
He smiled.

"This is Great (y/n)! When do you have to hand it?" He asked and gave the paper back and you smiled.

"Friday, thanks Midoriya the design you made really helped!" You said and Midoriya blushed but smiled bashfully at you.

"Your... welcome..." he said softly to you and your heart sped up.

Your door then suddenly opened violently making you and Midoriya jumped up in shock, Midoriya ended up on his feet but slipped due to the sudden force and fell on his butt and you chuckled loudly.

It was your dad, who was wearing the most manliest apron ever, 'got that meat bro?'

Your dad smiled widely as he held a tray of (f/f) cookies. Midoriya looked up, guess that's where you get your smile but yours was more calmer and sweeter.
Your dad spoke.

"Woah Midoriya you ok?!" He said a bit worried as he witness Midoriya fall.
Midoriya rubber the back his head.

"I-i-I'm fine!!"

You groaned at the old man.
"Dad what the hell?!"
Your dad was silent then suddenly remembered why he was here.


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