Chapter 36: What The Heck

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In the lunch area.

"Deku what was that about?" Ochaco asked and iida himself felt concerned.

"I've never seen Yaoyorozu act like that? She seemed like she was about to kill Midoriya..." iida said nervously and Ochaco nodded.

"I just..." Midoriya didn't know what to say.

It felt awkward between you and him and he never felt so exposed to guilt.
He didn't know what to do.

After relizing he liked you he never felt so alone after fighting with you.

He missed the weird things you both did.
Talking,laughing ,he missed your damn voice.

"You... you don't have to push yourself deku, we are just worried about you and (y/n)..." Ochaco said soflty as she placed a hand on Midoriya.

"Thanks guys, we just had an argument and I guess she got upset and that made us fight with each other" he said and iida gasped a bit in shock.

"You two fought? You fought back even? Man that must have been serious if you had to argu back..." iida said as he took a bite of his lunch.

Midoriya looked back in guilt and ochacho then sighed at iida.


'His right, I'm even shocked I shouted back at her...'

"I'm sorry Midoriya I didn't mean to—!"

"No iida it's fine, you're right... I'm just upset I can't even get a chance to apologies to (y/n)..." Midoriya sighed as he placed a hand on his cheek.

Iida smiled at Midoriya.

"You must care about her a lot.." iida said and Midoriya's cheeks flushed as he flared his arms around trying to hide his embarrassment.

Ochaco looked over to Midoriya waiting for his response.
As Midoriya stopped he covered his face and looked away form the two.

"I care about her, a lot, she means so much to me..." Midoriya said softly.

"I just have to make it up to her, I ... can't loose her."

This caught iida and ochacho off guard and Midoriya his face shaking his head and asking if his friends can ignore what he just said.

They both chuckled a bit and smiled at the boy.

"Don't worry deku! We will help you, we are cheering you on!" Ochacho said happily as iida nodded with Ochaco's statement.

Midoriya smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks guys..."



"So are you fucking ok now?"

"Yes I'm fine Bakugou."

"....are you sure—-"

"Yes you fucking dandelion I'm fucking fine one more time and I'll kill you" You snarled as you and Bakugou walked down the stairs with you.

As the bell rang Bakugou decided to walk with you to class and actually started being nice towards you.

You freaked out a bit.
After Bakugou scoffed at you ,your angry snarl turned into a happy grin and you placed your arm on Bakugou's back.

"Thanks" you simply said and Bakugou blushed a bit but looked away quickly.

"What fucking ever"


'K-K-K-KACCHAN WAS WITH (Y/N)??' Midoriya internally screamed inside his head as he saw you two walking together to class.
He was on the other side and what he witnessed horrified him.

'Oh no what happens if she goes for Kacchan! Kacchan has not been himself around her... in getting worried.' Midoriya thought as he fidgets his fingers

He started mumbling of possible things that could ruin the chances to ask you out.

As he mumbled he felt someone tap his shoulder and he squeaked before turning around to stare wide eyed at momo who was staring him down.

"Are you ok?" Momo asked at the fidgeting boy.

Midoriya stuttered a bit and his cheeks were fully red.

'Yaoyorozu didn't look so happy with me so... play it cool..'

"Y-Yeah I'm g-great- fine? Okay-" Midoriya squeaked as momo sighed in irritation.

"Can I just say something Midoriya..." momo said and Midoriya nodded silently.

"(Y/n) isn't okay that's for sure, you better fix this or I'm going to—"

"MOMO!!" Jiro shouted and momo turned around seeing jiro waving quickly and was  walking up to her.

Momo smiled at her and then turned back and looked at Midoriya with deadly eyes.

"Fix. It."

Momo then walked away and went to jiro who stopped and spoke to her.
Midoriya gulped as he turned back and went to go inside to class.

His heart was beating so fast.
He can't ruin this. Not with you. He had to make things perfect.

He groaned and hit his forehead.

'What the heck did I get myself into?!'

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