Chapter 12: Best Friend

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"Swo Midorwha? Whwats Yowa Fav—"

You were to busy chewing on the cookies your father made .Midoriya couldn't make up the words you were trying to say.
When you were finished you gave a loud swallow and you waited for Midoriya to answer your question.

"U-u-uh t-two?" he stuttered as he was to Afraid to ask what you really said to him knowing you would get angry.

You then bursted into laughter making him blink very confusingly.

"No silly I asked what's your favorite sweet?" You said and he then said 'o'.

"Well I don't really have my favorites but cakes are really nice cause I like lemon cake but also cotton candy is really nice and also—"

"Ok ok you have a big sweet tooth" You said and he chuckled nervously.

"You-you must really like... cookies" He said as he looked down to the plate where there was one cookie left.
You blinked in confusion.

"Uhh you wanted one...?" You said as you picked up the last cookie.

"No it's fine you have it" He said as he saw your eyes twinkle and ate the cookie which made him smile. He never sees you smile a lot.

"W-Well I... I like a lot of sweets and cakes and sugars..." You said twiddling your fingers together shyly.

'T-THATS SO ADORABLE.' Midoriya thought heart strucked.

"But anyway! Thanks again for... making this stupid costume and all." You said picking up the paper that had the information on it.

"U-uhm can I ask a question (y/n)...?" He said sweetly and you turned your face to his and nodded.

"H-h-how come you don't use your beast quirk.." he said and you then snapped your head back to your lap as you looked down.

"U-um I... you know it's... like..." you mumbled. What could you have said? Can you tell him? What happens if he thinks you were a creep from now on? You didn't want that, you grew attached to the boy even if it's been a few days.

"I'm so sorry!!! You don't seem to like talking about it forgive me for being rude I didn't mean it like that it's just I've seen quirks that deal with beast and all and I think t-they really cool but if you feel—"

You then stopped him but chuckling softly.

"No no Midoriya it's alright it's just... I don't know how to say it... maybe some other time k?" You said be he nodded as he saw your expression got a bit stressed.

An idea popped in his head, he took his scarred hand and pointed his pinky finger which was lifted to you and you blinked a bit confused.

"Uh nice pinky?" You said and he turned red at your comeback.

"N-no! Take your pinky out also" you complied to his request by doing what he said.

"A promise between two friends" he said and you blushed as your cheeks went to a soft scarlet color.

"F-friends..." You mumbled and you hooked your pinky around his.

"I-i promise that we will tell each other our deepest secrets soon..." he said and he waited for you to repeat it also.
You took a deep breath.

"I promise we will tell each other's deepest secrets also soon..." You said and he smiled while you gave a crooked one.


You two separated and saw it was Midoriya's phone, he took it and he sighed as it was his mother wondering where he was due to him telling his mom the time he would go back home

"I guess I should head back..." he mumbled and you nodded, you watched as he got his bag ready and you smiled, green messy hair and right green eyes added with freckled cheeks.

You would never forget him, he was your first best friend.

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