Chapter 4: Troublesome

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"First things first you not allowed to activate your beast" principle nezu said to you making you tilt your in confusion.

"What? Then how am I—"

"Yes I know what you going to ask but for the time being I think you should wait a bit... since your anger issues can invoke of starting your beast quirk I—"

"I DONT HAVE A-ANGER ISSUES" you said loudly making the principle sigh.

"Explain that out burst then?" He said smirking a bit making you whine in defeat.

"Anyway like I said I think you should first train a bit."

You sighed understanding that your quirk could put people in danger you nodded.

- - -


You flinched at the sound and your thoughts being snapped out of your head you saw Ochaco pinned to the ground by momo holding her down.

"GREAT WORK YOU TWO!" All Might shouted at the two who stood up and exchanged Well dones to each other.

'Wow those two are strong although Ochaco was put in defeat she has good combat skills...'

"Wow that was great Ochaco!" You heard Midoriya shout when Ochaco walked up to us.

"Yeah well done" You said and she smiled.

"E-eh I guess I did alright although momo has great tactics and all!!!" She exclaimed.


You scoffed. This will be a piece of cake.

God dammit you want cake now.

"G-good luck (y/n)!" You heard Midoriya say and you chuckled.

"Don't worry Midoriya I don't need luck with this dude" You said making Midoriyas mouth hang a bit.

When you left you saw Midoriya watching your every move.

"She's a bit... mean" Ochaco said softly making Midoriya shake his head.

"I don't think she doesn't mean to come out that way we should let her settle in it it her first day" Midoriya said defending you.

"Midoriya is Right! We must have respect" Iida shouted.

'I hope she won't die...' Midoriya thought watching you go up to Bakugou ready to beat the crap out of the male.

- - -

"HA THIS WILL BE EASY" You heard Bakugou say waiting for All Might to blow the whistle.

'Welp then.'

"GO!" All Might shouted blowing the whistle and the first thing that happens is Bakugou running up to you.

Sighing you saw his hand reach to your face but you simply dodge it.

His eyes widned as you took his wrist and twisting it behind his back and you kicked his butt and he stumbled forwards landing face first to the ground.

You chucked.

"I win~"

"Oh my god she got a hit!" Kirishima shouted .

"We knew Bakugou couldn't always be that strong" denki snickerd with Sero.

"Woah..." Midoriya softly said watching you while your hair back as it was pushed in front of your shoulders.

"You... mutt.. JUST GOT A DEATH WISH" you saw Bakugou stand up and you smiled.


You put your hands in a fighting stance.

"We will see about that."

- - -


Your match was going on for ages.
You started breathing heavily and you kept dogeing his blasts just by the skin of it.

'Shit how is this guy still up and running'

The amount of the times your pushed him to the ground and knocking him off his feet how is he not even tired of the amount of times his been using his quirk?!



You saw Bakugous palms spark fire when you saw the biggest explosion shot out and you whinced.

The smoke covered the stadium earning a few gasps from the students.

"(Y/n)?!" Midoriya exclaimed a bit nervously.

The smoked clear to see you not even infront of Bakugou anymore.

"HUH THIS STUPID BITCH" Bakugou twisted his body to see you behind him and you  coughed brutally which never happened to you.

'Shit this coughing'

"Gah..." you opened your eyes to only see that you now earned a scowl on your face.

"MY SPORTS UNIFORM" you saw that the left side of your uniform got burned and now your left bra cup is now visible making your forehead earn an irk.


Now you were mad.
Yep anger issues was your middle name.

You stopped in your tracks to see All Might about to grab you and stop you.

You growled and continued to walk up to Bakugou, growling and Bakugou was about to attack you.

You then stopped and coughed and you fell to your knees.

You overused your body now your vision became blurry and your head fell on the dirt and the students gasped.

"(Y/n)!" Ochaco shouted running up to you with Midoriya and Iida following.

"I think she overused her quirk!" Iida shouted and Midoriya fell silent.

'She... didn't use her quirk doh?'

"What is going on"

All might head turned around to see Aizawa who was sleepy see that his new student was on the ground and has seemed to fainted.

He grunted.

"What a troublesome student."

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