Chapter 49: Adorable

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I'm ngl I'm rewatching boku no hero and I cry over Midoriya so I'm writing my feelings out okay?


Walking next to Bakugou you both were close to the schools gates before you heard voices behind you.

You and Bakugou turned around and saw the deku sqaud including momo and Kirishima walking closer to the two of you. You were confused but you decided to call them out.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here still?You asked and momo smiled.

"Ah (y/n), you and Bakugou are still here. I was helping with studying. Iida and I were asked to help by Midoriya and ochacho" she explained pointing at the two who nervously chuckled at how they needed extra help.

"And Midoriya wanted to stay behind cause of you" ochacho exposed with a smirk and hit the green haired boys side who blushed badly.

"You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!!" Midoriya shouted in embarrassment. You blinked in confusion.

'Huh, she's being nice all of a sudden...?'

"Oi and what about you shitty hair?" Bakugou barked at Kirishima who chuckled.

"I was at the schools gym, didn't think time would fly so quickly" Kirishima explained nervously and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

Bakugou looked over to momo who smiled towards him and he looked away.


Kirishima witnessed this with wide eyes and moved his head back to him and then back at momo.

You chuckled.

"I have to get going, my bunny is going to start complaining that there's no snacks for him" you said to the group. Momo giggled at what you said obviously thinking it was a joke.

"Your bunny sure is a picky eater if his 'complaining' " she said emphasizing the word comparing. you smiled nervously and rubbed the back of your neck.

'If only you knew he can actually complain now...'

"I-I'll be going with her guys! Catch you guys tomorrow!" Midoriya said and went up to you as he held his bags straps.
You smiled and nodded.
You waved to everyone and they gave their goodbye while Bakugou gave an annoyed glare.

You looked over to ochacho who was waving back with a smile. You felt skeptical about this.


Shaking it off you and Midoriya smiled and started to walk to your house together.


You and Midoriya walked hand in hand in silence.
The afternoon sun warmed your skin and you were smiling a lot.

"What's got you smiling so much?"

You looked at Midoriya who was staring back at you with the same energy and you shrugged and looked back foward.

"I'm just happy" you said with no explanation.

"Arnt you just so pathetic."

You're eyes widen and you stiffened. Looking back at Midoriya you had an offended expression.

"What the fuck did you say?" You snapped with a hurt expression and Midoriya jumped at your hurt voice  and looked at you in confusion.

"H-huh? I said that's good because... you look just s-s-so cute?" He said nervously and you blinked a bit in confusion.

'What? I misheard? Wait he called cute?'

Your face flushed and you looked forward.

"S-Sorry..." you stuttered with a blush and Midoriya chuckled and shaked his head. Midoriya then frowned as he looked down to his feet.

"Uhm..D-do you not like it when I call you cute? I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable because I know you're new to this I don't want to rush—"

You shaked your head quickly and tighten your grip on Midoriyas hand giving it a reassuring hand.

"No no! I love it... it makes me feel warm believe me... " you said shyly and Midoriya gave a squiggly smile and nodded shyly.

"I'm glad, you're beautiful" he said proudly and you were about to faint. He was smooth for someone that's a mess.

'Why did I hear him say something else though ?'

You decided to just shrugged it off.


"I'm home Lev!" You shouted.
You and Midoriya walked in and you closed the door behind you now locking it.

You both removed your shoes.
you were looking down and removing your laces humming a soft tune.

"Uh..." Midoriya softly said as he was looking at what was infront of him. You stopped your humming and looked up to Midoriya with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm? What's wrong—"

You craned your head towards you now, you and Midoriya were looking at Lev who was leaning on the wall while he was wearing a poofy blue shower cap and a green face mark.
He was also wearing your dads white rob which was of course to big on him.

"Lev..." you said softly.

Lev who chewed on a carrot waved at the two of you.

"What's up doc?" He said and your eyebrow twitched.

"Why... are you in my dads rob and why did you use my products..." you said softly but threatenely.

Lev burped as he stood up and placed his paw in his hip.

"A cute wabbit like me gotta keep fresh kiddo" he explained as sparkles flew around his rabbit face.

"Wabbit..." Midoriya softly said trying not to chuckle.

You sighed angrily. Walking up to the rabbit you picked him up and stared at him and he gulped nervously.

"Lev you're adorable but now that I know that you are not what you are that DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN ACT HUMAN" you shouted and lev put his paws into a fist and complained.

"OI I HAVE A REPUTATION PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW LADY" he shouted and you smirked evilly.

"Oh really? Since you have reputation why don't we take cute photos of you since you like dress up neh neh~?" You evilly said and Lev sweat dropped and started to panic. He felt the dark aura you gave. He started to shaked his head.

"No no, I'm a wabbit but a man- A MAN I SAY PUT ME DOWN- OI KID OVER THERE SAVE ME-" Lev shouted as he was thrown onto your shoulder and was struggling to get out your hold. Lev tried to reach for Midoriya who just sweat dropped.

"Aw come on your so cute let's go Lev..." you said with an evil chuckle and Lev cried out a  no as you both went up the stairs. You stopped and turned to Midoriya.

"I'll get some movies and bring them down , get comfy there's food in the fridge you can bring out for us" you explained and then slammed your door.

Midoriya sweat drop as he heard the terrified screams of Lev whos reputation is now ruined.
Cute teddy bear dresses were being tried on right now.

'Scary...' Midoriya said and shaked his head. Midoriya held his chest as a warm feeling was building inside of him.

'Adorable though...' Midoriya also thought with a blush. If he could he would give you the longest snuggle ever.

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