Chapter 52: Not Leaving Your Side

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Everyone: there's not enough Midoriya moments why is this bunny getting the spotlight author Chan?!
Me: *cries while looking at comments and decides to make a short chapter of the bunny oc*
Me: I hate myself


'Why are you even here'

'You should have died.'

'A monster. Did she not even love her mother?'

'Why does that father even love her when she just ended his lovers life infront of him.'

'You're the monster I need. Join me (y/n) (l/n)'


You gasped and sat up from your bed. You started to hyperventilate. You looked to the side to look at your digital clock.

'3:25 am...'

"Oi! Kiddo? Are you alright speak to me!"

You snapped your head to see what was infront of you. You saw that Lev was wife awake. The moonlight was able to make you see clearly at the terrified expression Lev had. His rabbit ears were pulled back and his eyes were widen in fear.


"Kid? What's wrong why are you crying?" He asked in a worried tone and you blinked in confusion. You shaked your head side to side slowly.

"Huh I'm not..."

You stopped yourself and you looked down at your hands and saw the tears fell off your cheeks and onto your palm. Your eyes widen even more and saw your claws were even out.

You looked at the pillow you slept on and saw it was shred into pieces.
You blinked in confusion. You felt your heart shatter for some reason.

'Why did I have that dream, why are these noises and thoughts hunting me... why is this happening to me right now I thought they all left now they're... back...'

You felt scared. You started to breath a bit heavier and quicker.
You didn't know what was happening it felt all so scary.

You sobbed and your voice trembled. Lev looked at you with a worried look.

"Breath, breath... just breath slowly... let's get those claws off first sweetie..."

You nodded at Levs words as you sobbed a bit more. Your nose now getting snotty. Breathing like Lev said you closed your eyes to calm yourself. Opening them again you looked back down and saw the claws were no more there.

You still decided to break into tears and the whimpering you did was trembled. Sniffing your snorting nose
Lev patted your back and cooed you to relax. He brought a tissue and tried to clean your nose.

"Hey hey... want to talk about it? You're not alone you know that..." he said with caption. you looked back up again and looked at the rabbits human like eyes. The worrisome he showed was slowly stabbing you.

'I'm... yeah... I'm not alone...'

"Hey lev..." you said softly and Levs ears perked at your noise. His pink nose twitched. He waited for you to speak up.

"Can I hug you please? Just for a bit..." you said softly. Lev broke into a soft pink blush. He slowly nodded and opened his bunny arms.
You brought him up to you and made him sit on your lap.

You wrapped your arms around his big rabbit body figure and hid your face into his soft fur.
Lev who couldnt really wrap his stubby bunny arms around you just sat there half way on your back.

"this isn't because... Midoriya did something to you, ill fucking kill him." Lev said seriously as he placed his head on your shoulder.
You chuckled and shaked your head.

"No no of course not, I just had a bad dream..." you said with a tremble. Lev felt your body shake and he allowed you to cry a bit more. He patted your back and allowed you to take it all out. No talking, just you crying in fear.

An hour later you passed out. The crying took everything out of you. Lev looked down at your sleeping figure. He pulled the blanket up and covered your body. He saw a tear drop in the corner of your eye and he brought his soft paw and rubbed it off. Patting your head he sighed and sat down on the bed.

He smiled sadly.
As lev sat on the bed he looked out the window and saw the bright moon that faced your window, making the room bright.

'I don't know what's going on with you kid, but I'm here to support you (y/n)...' lev thought to himself.

He looked down at you. Sleeping peacefully now at peace.

'I'll save you like how you saved me.'

He yawned and he turned his body and got himself in his sleeping position.
Staying close to you. Not to close or he would be shredded into pieces.

But he was not leaving your side during this time.

Why am I spamming these chapters. I don't know OKAY IM IN A MOOD OF IZKUKU OKAY
I'm close to 1000 followers I'm crying right now

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