Chapter 17: Messed Up

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"YOU WORK AT THE ALL MIGHTY CAFE?????" Midoriya squealed as his green eyes sparkled.
You flinched at the sound of his voice and rubbed your ear.

"Yeah, nothing cool about it doh" You said sighing as you hugged your rabbit closer to you.

"Are you kidding me?! That's where the best all might milkshakes are! Me and my mom normally go there during night time" Midoriya explained to you as you smiled at him.

"That's why I havnt seen you there once"
You said softly and smiled at the male.
You two looked at each other for a bit which made you feel something odd.


Midoriya blinked and shaked his head, cheeks flushed.

"U-uh what's the bunnies name gonna be?" Midoriya asked watching the fluffy animal twitch it's nose as he sat in your arms , liking the warmth.

"Hm...." You thought a bit.
Midoriya joined in the thinking, few mumbles were left out his mouth.

"How about...yuki?" Midoriya suggested and your eyes fixed on his freckled face.

"But... his a grey bunny" You said with a confused look on your face.
Midoriya sighed and agreed with you.

"Brock!" You shouted making Midoriya stunned.
"That name for him?"

"Yeah it sounds like broccoli, since it looks your hair" you chuckled making
Midoriya blush madly. Midoriya became a stuttering mess.

"Since you helped me get him, he will be taken a name by you? I guess" you said rubbing the back of your neck shyly making Midoriya smile softly at you.

"Brock... I like it" Midoriya gently said.


And every since that day. A week went by.
Monday came and it was a dread
Hero work was not easy and you were tired.

You have gotten close to everyone so far but the best friendship you would ever have was midoriyas.

You did have a great relationship with Jiro, she was your best friend and she introduced you to momo and Denki which lead to knowing Mina and then the Baku squad and the whole class.

But Midoriya... he was special to you.
He almost knew everything about you.
You couldn't bring up the days of what happened to your mother.
His never asked about your mom but you felt respected due to the fact he isn't invading personal space.

Even Midoriya and your dad have been close which made you smile.

Now it was a casual Wednesday, it was boring you had to admit it.
You yawned as you watched present mic explain work in English.
You felt eyes boaring into you and when you looked to the side it was Ochaco giving you a glare.

The past days she hasn't been liking you.
You wondered what you have done but you try to keep it nice.


The bell then signaled of the torture to end and you gave your body a stretch and packed your bag.

"KIDS DONT FORGET TO DO YOUR QUESTIONS ON THE POEM FOR TOMORROW " present mic shouted making the kids yell yes sir.

You packed your bag until you felt a tap on your shoulder which was jiro giving you a smile.

"Hey jiro" you smiled in return.
"Wanna join lunch with us?" She asked as momo and tooru stood behind her.

You looked to your side to see Midoriya talking away with Iida.
You shrugged.

"Why the heck not" you said and the three girls beamed and started chatting away with you joining in their group.

Midoriya watched afar as he saw your figure go.

"Oh (y/n) isn't joining us?" Midoriya said with a sad tone and Iida places a hand on his shoulder.

"She does have other friends Midoriya she will always join us tomorrow" Iida reassured to Midoriya.

"I guess so..." he said with a small smile.
Next time. He thought.

"Hey guys!" Ochaco came running up to the two males making them turn to her.
"Where's (y/n)?" Ochaco said looking around.

"She went to go join jiro and momo" Midoriya explained making Ochaco nod.

"Oh that's a pity"


"And then I kicked his butt" jiro ended her story of mineta who was disturbing momo 
During the math period.

"Beautiful " You ended as you took a mouthful of your lunch.

You sat across of momo and tooru as you and jiro faced the two females.
You and the girls were just talking as today there was a teachers meeting and break was then extended.

Tooru then spoke up.
"(Y/n) is there a boy you like?!" She exclaimed making you blink a bit.

"Isn't it to early to judge already?" You said chewing your lunch.

"Well... you and Midoriya are close" momo said eyeing you.
You the blinked a bit.

'What.. we just... friends?'

You thought for a bit.


You then felt someone bump really hard into your head making you flinch.

"WATCH IT YOU DAMN PRICK" You shouted rubbing your head in pain.

"HA. Is this what we call a class 1-A student?!"
You looked up to meet with a blonde hair male with pale blue eyes  who gave you a mocking expression.

"What the fuck did you say?" You said growling And momo squeaked out saying to calm down.

"Why can't you pick on someone else Monoma?" Jiro said bitterly to the male.

"My bad ladies~ but her big fat head was in the way~" he said cheekily And you popped a vien.

You stood up slamming the lunch desk.
You picked up your water and eyed the male.

"Do you want to fucking go? What's your dam problem?" You asked threatening  the male to watch it.

"My how scary~ I still can't believe the new kid is transferred to the heroics class yet she has such a mean personality... she must have killed someone!" He said in a jokey tone and your eyes burned with anger.

"that's... fucking it."
You put all your energy and force and threw water into the class-1B's face.

But instead something worst happened .

Neito swiftly moved to the side and instead of water hitting him the water splashed onto a specific ash blond.

The whole table, the Baku squad and the girls gasped in fear.
Neito couldn't help but give a wicked laugh.

"NOW SHES DONE IT" he laughed more at the scene as water dropped of Bakugous face.

'Ahhh FUCK' You thought.
You grabbed a cloth and walked up to Bakugou.

"Shit! Bakugou I am so sorry I didn't mean to aim at your dumb face it was ment..." you looked up to see the anger building up in Bakugous expressions.

"You are. So. Fucking dead." He said and you saw the tiny sparks flying out his palms.

Now you've messed up.

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