Chapter 44: Next To Each Other

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I cant remember if I said the next day would be a weekend but oh well shut the fuck up and enjoy the fluffy moments that is to come with izuku baby.


"I have a plan..." you announced standing up and put your fist onto the palm of your hand.
Lev and Midoriya looked up to you.

You smiled as a ray of sunshine was shown behind your figure.

"We will just not tell him anything and only tell him this when his 80!"

Lev jumped up as his eyes sparkled and jumped into your arms which you smiled to you and you both hugged each other.

"You're a genius (y/n)! I knew you were a smart girl!"

You both then chuckled but you both had fear in your laughter making Midoriya nervously sweat.

And now to the next day, it was school time. you and Midoriya were walking together to school.
As you and Midoriya were walking very close Midoriya blushed as he looked away from you.

'Oh my god this is the first time being with a girl like this and of all people it's (y/n)! Should I... hold her hand?'

Midoriya who had a squiggly smile he looked down to your hand which was just placed on the side.
As he was slowly inching closer to try and grab your hand which he was nervously doing. You then suddenly brought your hand up as you sneezed.

Midoriya silently broke as embarrassment hit him and he wanted to curl up and die.

As you rubbed your nose you chuckled and looked up to Midoriya.

"Aha excuse me but anyway- eh you okay Izu?" You asked and jumped a bit and blushed furiously.

"Ah me? No I'm fine—! Yep totally alright ahaha " Midoriya said bringing his hand onto his neck as he awkwardly looked away with red cheeks making you blush also.
You held the straps of your bag and looked down. Your cheeks reddened.

"U-uhm... I'm sorry Izu.. I know I might suck at this and all..." you said softly ashamed you didn't know how to be the good girlfriend he needed.

'I mean he is your first boyfriend and probably the only guy who liked you like this stupid bitch.'

Midoriya stopped his rambling and nervous break out and looked down as he saw a new side of you he thought he would never see.

Midoriya smiled and now being brave he took your hand and then held it in his. You blushed and steam shot out your ears.


"I'm also not really good at these things..." Midoriya started making you listen to his words.

"I've never really gotten close to girls like I have with you, I mean I'm friends with them but I've never felt... like this before and I r-r-really want to be the one to make you happy and I'm willing to try my best for y-y-you!" He said now looking at you with shiny eyes and you smiled and your cheeks went red.

"Damn idiot... making my heart go boom boom..." you said and Midoriya blinked a bit before he started chuckling at your saying making you punch his arm.

"d-don't laugh at me! I'm not use to these thing dummy!" You shouted. Holding his hand tighter which he returned the same grip to you.

"Then... let's experience all this together okay?" Midoriya said as he closed his eyes and gave you that cute fucking smile.
Your face burst into red and your heart rapidly started beating.

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