Chapter 35: Thank You

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I'm feeling a bit better so I decided to write a chapter today! The next chapter that will be posted when ever is gonna be saucy. Tea shisterrrrs


'Wow, how long have I've been up here...' You thought as tears spilled out your eyes.

Sitting on top of the roof area wasn't a good place since you knew you were alone, knowing no one would bother to look for you.

Tears spilled out your eyes and you used the end of your blazer to wipe your snotty nose.

'I bet momo and jiro arnt even worried...' You thought and you hid your face.

'Mostly Izuku... he hasn't even looked or spoken to me...'

As you sniffled a bit you tried to wipe the tears away but the tears were just replaced by more.

The door to the roof suddenly opened and you silently stopped and covered your mouth.
You were by the corner so you hoped who ever was that wouldn't spot you.

"Oi. Damn mutt I know you're here." Bakugou's voice snarled and your eyes widen in shock.

'Bakugou...? what the fuck is he-'

Suddenly you saw a pair of legs stop in your view and your eyes traveled to the top and you saw bakugou's face who looked really annoyed .

"Fucking bitch you're here crying your eyes out while everyone is fucking worried." Bakugou snarled and sat down next to you making you a bit starteled.

You expected more shouting but his usual threats were softer at the moment.
Wiping your eyes dry you cleared your throat.

"Who the hell would be worrying about me.."

"Fucking earphones and ponytail" Bakugou snapped and you chuckled a bit.

"Really? It's momo and jiro..." you softly said and Bakugou gave a scoff as he really couldn't give two shits.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Bakugou asked softly and you sighed.

'Oh god here come the tears...'

Your breath hitched a bit as memories just started to haunt you.
You were scared, can you tell Bakugou the truth?
You were about to lie to him like how you did to jiro and momo until Bakugou stopped you.

"This shit saying you fought with that damn nerd because of me is fucking fake. " Bakugou said sharply and your eyes widen.

"How did-"

"I know damn deku." He ended and you stayed silent.

"It's like you guys known each other for so long..." you said and Bakugou groaned.

"That's becuase I did fuck face. We grew up together." He said and your eyes widen and you looked over to him in shock.

"Izuku and you?! But... wow you act so mean to him yet you two basically grew up together... amazing" you said softly chuckling at the end of your statement and Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"It's funny, Izuku never tells me these things when we are always together, I thought our relationship had... trust" you said and tears pricked the side hit you quickly wiped them.

"That's because deku doesn't want you to be involved in the shit that made him weak." Bakugou said and you sighed in anger.

"But we promised no matter what we would tell each other the points that made us broken. Well I did-"
You stopped yourself before you spilled anymore tea.

Bakugou then took one last snark before snapping.
"That's because that fucking nerd was once quirkless, for a long damn time and that made him fucking weak, suddenly that jackass gets a damn he wants the one he loves so fucking much to be his power point." Bakugou shouted and your cheeks flared.

'The one... he loved?'

"Wait Bakugou what do you—"

"Mutt, tell the truth." He cut you off and you sighed , you cant hide it now .

"I guess you got me, I guess I do trust you... I know you wouldn't go tell everyone about this so... what I'm about to tell you now is not allowed to be told to others ok!" You said sternly and Bakugou nodded in agreement and you sighed and looked back down to your legs.

"You see..."

You started explaining to Bakugou, your tragic pass, what happen to your mother, the whole commotion of that day when that girl started a fight with you when you both went to the arcade and the whole reason you thought you wouldn't become hero.

As explaining tears spilled out yours eyes. Just retelling how broken your life has gotten was honestly sad.
After telling about your past you cleared your throat next.

"Then with Izuku I..." You chocked a bit.

'I can't tell him about izuku's secret...'

"Izuku and I just had an argument since I was acting mean to him ,he snapped at me and that's why we are like this... well to be honest he seems fine but i just... I just miss him so much..." you said and you sobbed quietly.

You seemed desperate but your heart broke.

Bakugou stayed silent seeing how you would miss a fucking nerd.
He got so angry and he didn't know why.

How was that nerd better then him?
He couldn't tell you that cause he can imagine how you would kill him.

He still remembers how you acted when he pushed Midoriya and it shocked him.

He sighed and placed a hand on top of your locks.
You looked to the side with a running nose and teary eyes . As Bakugou looked down he gave an annoyed glance.

"You think that damn nerd isn't missing you? Bitch he is so upset, he doesn't mutter, he doesn't doodle in that dumb book and most of all he looks tired as hell." Bakugou anazled and your eyes went soft.

"That damn nerd is so in love it pisses me off." Bakugou snarled and you chuckled .


You then hugged Bakugou and Bakugou flinched at the sudden warmth but allowed it to happen.
Bakugou knew he couldn't get you, but he knew he could be there for you.

He placed a hand on your back as you leaned into his chest hugging him tightly.
Bakugou's heart fluttered but sadly, he knew in truth he could never get you.

You sighed heavily as you spoke your final words before lunch time was over.

"Thank you Bakugou..."

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