Chapter 18: Big Trouble

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"Woah ok Bakugou there's no need to get hostile..." You said walking back a bit.

Bakugou was nearing closer to you ready to explode your ass off to the moon.
Why did you have to throw water on him of all people? You knew he was going to annoy you about this.

"Oh no no. There's always reasons to go fucking hostile you damn mutt." He snarled at you.

You tighten your hand into a fist.
Now his taking it far.

"Look buddy I said sorry can't you calm the fuck down—"
The next minute you said that you felt water go in front of your face making you gasp.

Bakugou scoffed. He grab the most nearest water cup and decided to splash you also. Payback is a bitch.

"K-kacchan what was that for—" Midoriya squeaked and he turned around and he gasped seeing he threw water on you.

You wiped your eyes. Now his done it.
You took someone's lunch tray and threw what ever was on it onto Bakugous face.

You saw the food slide down Bakugous face and saw him breath in, taking all his anger in and ready to unleash it.

"FOOOOOOD FIGHT" someone randomly shouted making everyone pick up their lunch and started throwing.

"IM GOING TO GET YOU BITCH" Bakugou shouted and you took your chance to dash the fuck outta here.

You took a dash and went to the left. You saw the exit but was then covered by students throwing food at each other.

'Fuck it's a civil war here!' You thought running to the other side of the cafe.
As you ran you saw your class even throwing random food at people.

You were in shit.

You saw someone throw a sandwich which you perfectly dodged.
You then took your chance to slide under a table to get a breath.

You watched the scene unfold, food flying on each side of the cafe, cups and plates breaking also.
You took a breath and looked to the side of you.
A person that sat next to you also turned their faces making both your noses touch.

"Ah!" You both squeaked in shock backing away with flushed cheeks.

It was Midoriya who covered his mouth to not let the spot get away.

"Midoriya! The fuck are you still doing here?" You softly said to him.

He shaked a bit and blushed.

"I saw you get splashed by my drink that kacchan took ,I couldn't l-l-leave you!" He said stuttering.
Your heart melted.

He stayed for you.

"Midoriya..." you softly said staring into his green eyes.
You two looked deeply to each other, a spark lit in your stomach making your cheeks suddenly go red.

Suddenly the table lifted up and was thrown on the side making Midoriya squeal but his first move was to shield you Incase you got injured.

"THERE YOU ARE MUTT." Bakugou snarled.
Bakugou grabbed your shirt, lifting you off the floor. You struggled to get out his grip until you felt a harsh grip on your arm.

"LET HER GO KACCHAN!" Midoriya said and grabbed you from kacchan grip which he succeeded at.

Bakugou scoffed and grabbed Midoriya coller and pushed him to the side making Midoriya fall face first on the ground.

"Move out the way you damn nerd." Bakugou said, making his palms have tiny explosions.

"IZU!" You randomly shouted and ran next to him.
Midoriya had a small bruise on his freckled cheek along with a small cut that was bleeding.

You gasped as you looked at the injury.

"(Y/n) I-I-m Alright really!" He said looking at the worry you had in your eyes.

He looked up to see your eyes change. Your pupils diluted and changed into a cat shaped pupil.
Your finger nails turning into thicker claws and you snarled a bit.

"(Y/n)...?" Midoriya whispered to you but you didn't snap out.

You stood up and turned to Bakugou.

"you. Are. GOING TO REGRET THIS" You shouted and brought your fist and punched Bakugou fully against his cheek.

The whole cafeteria gasped as they heard the sound of Bakugous cheek being punched.

Bakugou looked to the side as his cheek started to bruise badly.
You breathed heavy. You didn't know what took over you.

You were under control.

a beast in you took over.

Bakugou then turned his eyes and glared at you. He started running towards you and decided to fight back.

You two tackled each other on the ground. Kicking, punching just trying to weaken the other.

People started to scream and some tried to make the two of you stop.

"(Y/N) STOP!!!" Midoriya shouted quickly coming to your side.

You didn't listen. Bakugou even heard Kirishima cry's but never stopped.
Everyone all of a sudden scattered as they heard the cafe door slam open.

Aizawa and principle nezu came inside to witness this.
Aizawa snarled in annoyance and used his quirk to separate you two.

You and Bakugou were then wrapped in Aizawa cloth that separated the two of you.
You tried to break free trying to get Bakugou while Bakugou watched you.

"IM GOING TO— ARGH GET ME OUT OF THIS THING" You shouted and stared chewing Aizawa scarf trying to break the the weird magic scarf of his.

"That Is enough you two." Aizawa said that made you stop and you and Bakugou turned to see Aizawa who was definitely not happy.

"You two are in big trouble."

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