Chapter 57: Sat Silently

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yeah. I just wrote this. Imma just...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"S-so uhm.. what should I do?" You questioned and Midoriya blushed as he now sat a bit more back on the bed.

"Uhm if you want... you can uhhh...comesitonmylap...idontknow..." he softly muttered not even looking at you. He felt so sinful. Was it bad? who even knows.

You slowly nodded. Taking a deep breath you slowly climb onto his lap, placing your legs on the side of him.
Your butt now sitting on his lap. Your bright red face was now facing his which was sadly not looking at you.

'I'm going to pass out...' Midoriya nervously gulped, slowly moving his face he then looked towards you. He only just realized how both your noses were now touching.

You suddenly gave a nervous chuckle.

'Why did you chuckle god fucking dammit' you mentally slapped your self. Get a grip (y/n).

Midoriya placed his hands on your hips and placed them on each side. You saw how he was slowly breathing. Trying to control it before he starts to breaths heavy again.

You sat there silently waiting. You being bold you put your arms around his neck and Midoriya then looked at you. You gulped and slowly started breathing heavily.

'Woah did it suddenly get hot or is it just me?'

Midoriya now brought his lips foward and smashed them with yours. Your eyes widen before they closed shut. Before you knew it Midoriya brought his hands up to your head and got them tangled in your hair. You doing the same you then felt his tongue swipe on your lips.

Softly humming,opening your mouth a bit you felt his tongue now explore yours.

This was your first- well second since he kissed you the other day but this, you did not expect him to do.

You felt his tongue twist around with yours. You softly groaned while he did the same.
The worries you both had flew right out the window.

Of course you two didn't know how this was meant to go so it was a bit sloppy and teeth would clash then and there.
You suddenly then felt your hands go onto his buttoned school shirt. Before you knew it you were already unbuttoning the last button of his shirt.

Your eyes opened as they widen. your cheeks went more red then it was before. Separating from the wet kiss you looked down at his figure.

Midoriya who was now heavily breathing looked down and saw that his chest was openly revealed to you.
You quickly snapped and pushed your hands away,placing them on your thighs.

"Sorry I didn't mean—"

Midoriya grabbed your right  hand and placed them on his stomach. Can your face get even more red at this point?

He then took your left hand and brought it to left side of his chest and your eyes then soften.

'His heart is beating crazy...'

You then let your right hand skim over his stomach and felt the bit of muscle that was forming.

'Woah... I never realized how Izuku was getting buff cause of the training he did...'

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