Chpater 45: Trust Her

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As you were in class everyone was busy doing an activity that was given. They were mainly what we call 'shut up sheets' but some kids were of course chatting and you sat quietly before mr Aizawa called your name.

You stood up from your desk and you went up to your teacher who called.

"Yes sir?" You asked and mr aizawa dropped a pile of paper which you sweat dropped at.

"Take these to the teachers office, midnight needs these and she needs to give you a file that's for me, got it?" Mr Aizawa explained as he was sitting in his yellow bag.

Just before you can respond he then zipped up his bag and flopped back down onto the ground and you dead panned.

"Right ... and his gone" you said softly and shaked your head.

You took the paper and quickly went to the teachers lounge. Arriving you knocked on the door and slid the door open. Just before you can go on walking you walked into all might.

You looked up and saw him nervously look down and chuckle.

"A-ah young (y/n) I did not see you there I am so sorry!!" he said in a apologetic tone and you nodded shaking your head.

"It's alright all might please don't worry about it" you said with a soft smile.

A few papers fell and all might saw and then kneeled down to pick them up in the order.

'Hm... yeah I almsot forgot that day... I mean dad said it was maybe my imagination cause... all might doesn't look like a skeleton right?'

All might gently placed the paper back onto the pile and patted your head.

"I hope you're enjoying it here young one" all might spoke which jumped you off guard for a bit.

"O-oh yeah! I really do..I do get along with some of the students" You explained and all might gave his famous laugh and placed his fists on his hips.

"That's good to hear! How is your dad by the way?" He asked and you blinked in confusion on why he is having a conversation with you.

"Oh dad is alright, his busy organizing the sports festival so his sadly not going to be home today" you explained as you chuckled awkwardly at the end.

'I'm so awkward kill me.'

"Ah! I hope you won't be alone at home it's quite dangerous!" All might explained. Your cheeks then went a deep red as you looked to the side.

"Well... I might spend some time with uhm... izuku..." you shyly said making the pro hero raise an eyebrow and before you can excuse yourself all might laughed making you jump a bit.

"Ah young Midoriya is a good one! I'm glad he has a good friend like you" he said and you nodded slowly agreeing.

'Well not friend but yeah..'

"But anyway—"

"Oh (l/n) Mr Aizawa told me you were coming I was wondering what was taking you so long!" You looked behind all might to see midnight waving to you to bring her stuff over. You nodded and bowed a bit to all might.

"Sorry all might I came to deliver for Mr Aizawa I apologize!" You said nervously and all might shaked his head as he put his hand up.

"No no sorry for taking your time! I have things to do so stay safe young one!" All might said as he now walked passed you and quickly went to his way.

'What a weird pro hero...' you blinked as a sweat drop fell down your forehead.

All might was walking as he looked down to his feet.

'Young (l/n)...'


"All might!" Midoriya shouted as he ran up to all might in the morning.
All might was busy walking to his office. No one was around in the corridors so it was safe to talk openly.

"Ah is there something wrong?" All might ask.
Midoriya fidgeted as he played with his fingers. A bright blush was shown on the poor boys face.

"U-uhm can we talk it's something important" Midoriya said and all might nodded waiting for the child to speak more.

"You see as you remember (y/n) almost caught You in your other form but we spoke things out and she said it was her imagination so she still doesn't know about anything" he explained and all might nodded as he remembered the terrified face you gave when you saw how his figure suddenly changed.

"But you... she told me.. well she said you also knew about... her incident..."

All mights eyes widen a bit but softened. He knew the two of you would get close. Midoriya secretly couldn't stop saying your name around the pro hero when they did training together.

All might gave his big famous laugh and Midoriya jumped up a bit.

"Ah I see, someone who is cold and closed off, she really trusts you my young boy!" All might said and Midoriya squealed and his face burst into flames.


"I get it young Midoriya.." All might said stopping the boy from rambling and covering his face as he spoke about you.

Midoriya took a deep breath to calm his beating heart. Midoriya stood up straight and determined.

"All might, I wanted to get permission from you. Is it alright if I can tell (y/n) the truth." Midoriya asked with a determined expression and all might was caught of guard by this.


Midoriya nervously started speaking.

"I-I know you said no one else knows but... I trust her with my whole life. She means a lot all might and I want her to know as much as I know cause I know she would do the same with me. I truly care for her and she deserves to not stay in the dark because of me and I came to get the permission—"

"Well boy, I give you permission to tell her." All might said interrupting the green headed boy from rambling even more.

Midoriya jumped up as his teary eyes was displayed to the pro hero.

"W-what?! Really? You agreed so easily?!" Midoriya said nervously as his heart couldn't handle this.

All might gave another of his infamous laugh and placed his hand ontop of Midoriyas green locks.
All might gave the biggest smile seeing how his student was growing up.

With his power and his relationship with you.

"If you trust her, I believe she will keep it a secret."

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