Chapter 20: Get Along

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"And that will be all." Mr Aizawa ended his lesson.
You sat in silence as you held an ice pack on your forehead.

You looked over to Midoriya who was scribbling in his book and went on with his day as if he wasn't even pushed today.

You sighed. What was he doing to you?
This doki doki feeling in your heart couldn't stop when ever you looked at him.

You scoffed and looked away.

'This is getting fucking dumb.'

"(Y/n) and Bakugou please stay behind" mr Aizawa said making you sigh, you thought you could have run away quickly.

The bell rang to signal home time and all the students stared to pack up.
You then felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" Midoriya said to you with concern making you give a soft smile.

"Yeah it's chilled, I just have detention for 3 weeks which is cleaning the classes in the afternoon" you sighed and stood up packing your bag.

Midoriya frowned.

"I wish I was able to take the blame I'm sorry ..." Midoriya said looking down as he held his bag straps tight.

You punched his shoulder softly.

"It's fine, I would have felt shitty if you did which I'm glad as you didn't take the blame for me" you said and midoriyas cheeks flushed red.

"O-oh right ... uhm here!" Midoriya squeaked out and gave you a folded paper.

"What's this?" You asked and saw an address on it.

"I-I-it's my house address! If you... wanna like hang out some time,  I wouldn't mind, you can visit any time which would be great since I'll always have space for you! I MEAN GAH I mean as in Uh friendships yeah you know since friends do those kind of—"

He was cut of by your soft chuckle.
That's how Midoriya is always stopped by his babbling, your soft chuckled which takes him away.

"I'll text you when I can come, how about when I'm done with my detention I'll pop at your house ?" You said and Midoriya gave a wavy smile to you.

"Y-y-y-yeah! That would be great!" He said nervously and you nodded and you waved him off as he left the class.

As everyone left it was just you two, you and the explosive man himself.
You two strolled to mr Aizawa .

"Right you two, come with me" He said and you and Bakugou followed your teacher.

You and Bakugou walked next together, you felt how awkward this will be.

'Well this will be fun.'


"Right, here are the cleaning supplies and you will only leave the school at 5 and when this cafe is spotless. Now don't break anything while I'm sleeping" mr Aizawa said jumping into his yellow sleeping bag.

You sighed and watched as Bakugou picked up a broom.
He gave you a side glance making you gulp.

"Oh and" mr Aizawa said lifting up his head and you two looked at the male.

"Get along You brats ." Mr Aizawa then flopped back down.
You blinked repeatedly and then turned to Bakugou who was giving you death stares.

"Errr so...—"

"Don't fucking talk to me" He snarled and walked away from you and stared sweeping the mess that was laid in the cafe.

Your eyebrow stared to twitch in annoyance.

'How the fuck are we supposed to get along'

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