Chapter 24: Surprised

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"Alright the house should be... right here!"you said as you looked up.

Midoriya lived in a small apartment. He wrote his apartment number on the paper he gave you.
You should have maybe told him you were coming to visit but it wouldn't hurt to surprise him right?

You walked inside the apartment and went to find the number Midoriya lived in.

'Why do I feel nervous all of sudden?'

You started walking a bit stiff. You didn't know why you felt like this but it felt horrible and disgusting.

"No get a grip (y/n)! It's just izu... no one... else."

You reached to the his apartment door.

'All I have to do is knock...'

You reached your fist to the door but you stopped half way.

'Wait. What happens if his not home? What happens if he will kick me out? What happens if he doesn't want me to come today? What happens if his busy?'
You started panicking as all these questions ran through your brain.

You sighed and shaked your head.

'Bakugou was right, I do spend to much time with izu...' you shaked your head and took a breath of confidence.


You pressed your fist on the door and knocked on the door 3 Times.

'Please please please don't embarrass yourself (y/n)...'

The door opened and it reviled a short women with long lovely green hair which had a bun placed on top.

"Eh?! A girl?!" She randomly shouted as her cheeks turned red.
You blinked at the sudden reaction.

'She kinda looks like Midoriya... is this his mom?!'

"U-uh hi! I'm Midoriya's friend, is this his home?" You asked to make sure it really was his house and was really his mom.

"Y-yes! I'm izuku's mother! I didn't know he was going to have visitor" she said nervously just like how Midoriya would say it when he was nervous.

You smiled.

"I'm sorry I know this was short notice, if you both are busy I'll meet up with him tomorrow..." you explained but before you were about to turn she flared her hands around.

"No no! You can come in! I'm glad Izuku has friends coming over, please come in!" She said as she moved aside for you to come in.

You walked inside and looked around the cute apartment.
It was perfect just for a small family to be in.

"W-would you like some tea?" She said shyly.
You smiled at her and shaked your head.

"No I'm alright, is izu here?" You said. You just realized you said izu and now you wanted to die.

She was taken back by the cute nickname you gave Midoriya.

"Oh he went out to the beach to meet up someone, he will be back just now though" she said as she was busy in the kitchen.

'Oh. Wonder who that friend is?'

"His room is there though so you can wait for him there if you would like" she said sweetly and she pointed to where Midoriya's room was and you nodded and went to his room.

You looked at the door to see his name on an all might like board which made you smile.

As his mom went back to the kitchen you walked inside his room to only look around in amaze.

"That's... that's a lot of all might."

You saw the many all might posters and figures scattered all over his room.
Even his bed had all might.

You picked up an all might plushie that day on his bed.

'This... this is so adorable' You said cheeks red as you held the plushie.

"What a nerd"

You threw the pillow back onto his bed and went to his shelf.
You saw more journals he had ,making you scan each one that was placed on the shelf.

You pulled out a burnt one and looked at it.

"Woah ,what happen to this one..." you softly said to yourself.
You flipped through the book to see what he writes in them.
The last page had an all might signature making a smile grow on your face.

'How sweet...'

The door of midoriyas apartment opened and Midoriya walked in stretching and he took his shoes off.

"Welcome back Izuku" his mother said and Midoriya turned his body and he smiled at his mom.

"Hi mom"

"Izuku you have a friend that came over by the way" his mom said. Izuku looked up and had a confused expression.

"Oh is it kacchan?" He said even though he knew why the hell would Bakugou come and visit.

"Oh it's this lovely girl, (y/n). she's such a sweet girl" his mother explain resting her palm on her cheek.

"Oh ok— wait. WHAT?" He said blushing brightly and standing up.

"Yeah she's in your room—"

"M-M-MY ROOM?!?!?" He shouted. Oh god not his room, the worst embarrassing place he didn't want to show you.

He quickly ran to his room and opened the door.
You got startled and dropped his burnt hero journal on the floor.

"I-izu?! Is everything ok?!" You said walking up to him.

He sighed. It's to late now. You must be judging him now. He had to act cool. He took a deep breath.

"I didn't know you w-were coming..." he said and he placed his face in the palm of his hands.

You smiled at him.

"I wanted to surprise you! Did it work?"

He looked up to see you giving him that cute smile he loved. The toothy grin he found so luring.

He sighed and nodded

"Yep I'm very surprised." He smiled sweetly as he said those words to you.

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