Chapter 32: Silence

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You walked inside your home and you had the biggest cold ever, your eyes were sore and your whole body was physically and emotionally tired.

"Oh sweet cakes!!" You heard your father shout.

'Oh no.... I'm not in the mood for this...'

You wiped your eyes and tried to put a fake persona.

"My baby I made you some yummy snacks, my friend at work gave me this recipe of these muffins-"

Your dad stopped and looked at you, your body soaked and hair sticking on your forehead.

Your father gasped and placed the muffins on the table and quickly walked up to you.

"Sweetie what happen?!" He said and you suddenly burst into tears and you sobbed and sobbed to your dad as he hugged your wet body.


"Let's clean you up my sweetheart..."


Your father brought a new pair of clothes for you, a hot towel and some medicine due to you now getting a fever and also the muffins he has made.

As you two sat together you ate the muffins, crying at the same time as you took each bite.

"One more muffin and we talk"

Your dad gave you another muffin and you nodded tears still streaming down

"These... these are so good..." You muffled inbetween tears and food in your mouth.
As you swallowed the muffin you sighed and wiped your face.

"Dad, have you ever like..heart break someone by saying stupid shit?" You said and your dad widen his eyes as he had to think.

"I have, with your mother of course" your dad said smiling softly at the memory.

"What did you do?"

"You'd be surprise how upsets she gets when she's jealous, it's adorable but it broke me because she use to cry to your grandmother and I remember your gran came to me and threw her shoe at me... wasn't fun." Your dad said and that earned you to chuckle softly.

"Granny is always hot temper..."

You sighed and you finally felt calm. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes tightly.

"I told Izuku..."

"I knew you would have" your dad said softly, placing his arms around you.

"But today I saw something so bizzar!!" You said loudly looking up to your dad. Your dad looked at you in shock and titled his head to the side.

"What was that?"

"I don't know i saw Izuku and all might talking and next thing... a skeleton kind of figure that was maybe all night was speaking to Izuku!" You exclaimed.

Your dad's voice grasped a bit as his eyes widen.

"W-What? Really? Maybe it was your imagination..." your dad very nervously.
You shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't know... but I tried to ask izuku but he snapped at me and said this secret was much more dangerous then mine... I kinda felt offended since he thought that my bad past was... nothing" you softly said to your self as you snuggled your head against your dad's chest.

"I thought he was my best friend but... his just like the rest!! I thought he was my very best friend..." you said sadly making your dad frown.

"What about those nice girls? Momo and jiro right?"

You shaked your head.

"They not like Izuku, Izuku was my very FIRST best friend... it just hurts what he did..." you said tears prickling the side.

Your dad sighed and petted your head.

"Sweet cake... all best friends fight trust me, best friends fight over the dumbest things. This is just going to make you two become closer" he said and your eyes widen.


"Yes sweet cake, that's how a bond grows. With me and your mother we were best friends and oh boy the amount of fights we had" he chuckled making you chuckle also.

"I don't know, I don't think I can sorry... I feel horrible that I made a big scene for no reason..." you softly said and guilt took upon you.

"I'm sorry I told him... I'm really scared he will now go and tell others cause of this stupid fight"

Your dad gave a big bear chuckle and snuggled against you and kissing your cheek.

"My princess, trust me he won't, he isn't that person"

You nodded with a smile as you wiped your nose with your sleeve and you two sat in silence.

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