Chapter 55: Can We Talk

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Midoriya jumped in surprise as he saw you run up to him when the last period of the day ended.
Midoriya cracked a smile as he saw you take a few breathers since you ran a bit to quickly.

"(Y/n)? Won't you be late for your detention?" Izuku questioned in confusion.
You smirked as you crossed your arms. A ugly smirk placed on your face.

"Well this girl over here has some freedom and can finally take in the sweet air!" You cheered and Midoriyas expression sparkles as a smile was now brighten up.

"Oh yay! Oh but won't you have to work double tomorrow?"

Just as Midoriya said that your whole world crumbled as you now turned around and held your chest in pain.

"Don't remind my pain Izu..." you softly muttered as tears started flowing out.
Midoriya chuckled while you gave a pout.

"Let's go! wanna come over as usual today?" You offered with an innocent smile.

"Oh yeah I can let me just tell my mom and—" before Midoriya can go on.

'You just gotta man up Midoriya!!'  Kirishimas words now started to echo inside his head.

Midoriays face flushed red and he jumped up as he nervously stuttered out his words.


You blinked in confusion and you frowned at how nervous Midoriya suddenly became.

"Izuku.. you don't have to be shy you always come over..." you sadly said. A frown now on your face. Izuku stopped as he now felt terrible for bursting out nervously.

"S-Sorry..." he said softly and you now looked back up. Giving your signature smirk you grabbed his hand and started marching out the building.

"Right! Let's head out and go eat dads extra muffins he made!" You cheered and Midoriya nodded as he cheeks were still tainted red.

'Just stay calm... just don't remember what the guys told you and you'll be fine ha ha ha...yeeeaaaah.' Midoriya thought as he nervously started to break down but still hold your hand with confidence.


'Why can't that conversation leave my head?!' Midoriya internally screamed at himself.

You looked up to Midoriya who somehow was very fidgety and was looking everywhere else but you.

As you both sat in your room a few minutes ago you cried to Midoriya that you failed the recent test. The one coming up soon Mr Aizawa threatened that if you failed it you'll be in deep shit. If your dad were to be called he would scold you. Midoriya who sighed accepted to help you since momo and iida actually helped him understand the topic that was coming up in that upcoming test.

Now here you are staring at Midoriya who nervously sat next to you on the floor.

"a-and t-then you take the equation over to u-uhm to this—"

You stopped Midoriya from writing and held his hand which he jumped at. He snapped his head to the side and saw your worried expression.

"Hey are you alright? You've been acting weird since we left school nothing happened...right?" You asked worryingly and Midoriya just didn't have the heart to tell you the unholy truth.

'No it's just my friends told me how to pleasure you,nothing at all I CANT SAY THAT DAMMIT IZUKU THINK-'

You sighed and let go of his hand and placed your hands back onto your lap.

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