Chapter 6: Innocent

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"Your (y/n) right?"

You looked up from your phone and saw a girl with earphone like ears and you heard she went by the name Jiro.

"Yep that's me. Jiro right?" You said putting your phone away.

Not knowing how this happened you two made small talk and you have now grown onto her a bit as you did like her attitude.

Jiro has already pulled a chair and sat infront fo you, laughing and giggling at the things she's told you and doing the same with you.

"Morning everyone!" You heard a happy voice say and you saw it was Midoriya.

He turned to you and waved at you and you waved back at him.

You felt a beat in your chest.

'Woah ok what was that' you said blinking a bit confusingly.

"Jirooo! Can you help me with englishhh" Mina said running up to us and was pleading jiro. Jiro made a sigh.

"Fine. (Y/n) catch ya at lunch" she getting up and you waved her off.

'Ok 2nd day of school, today will go smooth and—'


You flinched at the sudden sound and sighed.

'Oh... him.'

Hearing the door slam open you heard Midoriya eep a bit also.

'Same Midoriya same.'


"Man keep it down..." you mumbled the last part and you heard a vein of his pop which doesn't seem healthy.

"(Y-y/n)" you heard Midoriya whine.

"Don't worry Midoriya this is just a tantrum cause he knows I can beat his sorry ass~"

Bakugou had it with you.


You then heard the door open again to see an annoyed Aizawa and you smirked.

'Heh a hero'

"Bakugou shut up and sit down Class is about to start."

You heard Bakugou graze his teeth in anger and gave you a drop dead look making you drop a sweat and he returned and walked to his desk.

'Will I still be alive jesus?'

- - -

"(Y/n) I'll like to speak to you" You heard mr Aizawa say after the bell signaled it was lunch time.

'Oh shit did he see I threw that paper plane saying 'Aizawa x Present Mic is bro otp' ?'

You gulped nervously but pushed the fact out your head.

"Yes sir?"


Mr Aizawa handed you sheet of papers making you blink in confusion.


"I know you were the one that threw that paper airplane"

'Crap nuggets'

"And these are the school trip forms and your hero costume form which both need to brought by at least Friday."

"Friday but that's so—"

"Shut up and just do what I say... god teenagers."

He grumbled out the classroom making you sigh.

"I never ever even thought of a hero costume..."


You looked up from the papers to see Midoriya coming into view and you smiled a bit but returned to your usual scowl.

'Why did I get happy?'

"Midoriya hello" You said to him and you walked up to him and saw every step you took his cheeks would flame redder and redder.

"A-ah I didn't see you come to the lunch room so I was wondering if you got lost but of course you wouldn't get lose but you know since it issss your se-second day at school and I wouldnt really want to see you get lost so—"

"Woah woah Midoriya I'm alright don't worry mr Aizawa Just Gave me some documents since I missed the first week of school" You said making the boy silently take a breather.

"Wanna... join us for l-l-lunch!" He said a bit to loudly.

You smiled sadly making him go silent and his eyes making sad puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry but I promised jiro I would meet her up for lunch..." you said and saw his eyes drop and nod sadly.

"R-right it's alright I'll see you around" He said and you waved the male off.

"See ya..."

- - -

"So (y/n) you planning get a hero outfit?" Jiro said as she took a bite of her meal.

"Oh I did get my forms for it but I never thought of a costume..."

You sighed and were in deep thought. What costume do you need for a beast quirk...

When will you use the beast again...?

"You know who you can ask... Midoriya!" Jiro said making you blink in confusion.

"Midoriya...? Why... him?" You asked confusingly.

"Well he can draw you should see his hero analysis book I always see him doodle in it" jiro said making you nod.

'Maybe ill give him a chance...'

"Just... give him a chance to be honest he seems a bit interested in you..." jiro said and saw your cheeks got a bit red.
How did she know what you were thinking also...

"Oooo someone's blushing" jiro picked on you making you go out of your thoughts.

You scoffed.

"Oh jiro don't think such silliness it's only my 2nd day..." you said chowing your meal.

"Like I said he does have a interest in you ,who knows maybe you could..."

"Abahbahbah shhh no no no don't think such... his..." you saw that he was sitting by the other table and looked at how innocent and cheery he was and here you are... mean and quiet....

How could you ever live up to his standards?! He probably thinks your mean. You sighed.

"His...?" You left jiro hanging on the question and you sighed.

"His to innocent I guess..."

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