Chapter 5: Cake

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You shaked your head a bit and you sat up to see yourself in a bright white room and flinching a bit at the bright light.

'Where am I...'

You looked to the left of you to hear rattling by the door and the door opened to see an old women entering and smiling at you.

"Ah! Your up!" She said and walked over to the stoel and pushed it to your bed and she took a seat.

"U-uh who are you?"

"I'm recovery girl I'm the schools nurse deary" she said to you and you nodded.
Ofc They was a school nurse here cause they must be a lot of injuries being caused... speaking of injuries.

"Wait why am I here?"

Recovery took a sigh and she pointed at your stomach which was wrapped around by a bandage and when she unwrapped it You flinched a bit as the side of your abdomen has been burnt and bruised.

"That boy Bakugou has burnt you badly and punched you so hard to leave a bruise.. that kid I swear I'll hit him if he ever comes here" She said applying ointment on the side of you and you sighed.

'I'm going to kill that dandelion...'

"You should thank that green hair boy"

You blinked in confusion and looked down.

"Midoriya? What did he do?"

"Well his the one that brought you here in a rush" she said now wrapping the side of you and you smiled a bit at what Midoriya did.

'First day and I already think his a douche bag.'

"Well that's it. Take these pain killers and you will be good to go" she said and you nodded.

Changing into your uniform you had to go fetch your school bag and sports bag that had your school uniform. Walking down the hall you hear a voice.


Turning around you saw two green eyes and fluffy hair running up to you.

"Midoriya" You said and turned with a smile on your face.

"I-I here!" He said shoving bags to you.

"Oh my school bag and sports bag... how did you get my sports bag?" You asked and he blushed at you.

"I-i asked Ochaco if she could get it for me and so I can like give it to you and yeah and also—"

"uh... thanks Midoriya I really appreciate it" You said slinging your school bag on your back and you held your sports bag.

You started walking to the entrance and Midoriya follow and when you stopped in your tracks you heard Midoriya breath if he was holding a breath this hold time.

"Thanks Midoriya again I'll...see you tomorrow" you said softly to him and turned to the direction of your house.

"W-Wait" You heard him say and you turned to him.

"W-we can walk together! I live that way too.." he said the last part so softly making you smile.

"Don't be shy." You said to him making his eyes motion to yours to see you looking at him with your bright (e/c) eyes staring at him.

'Annnnd gotta be less intimidating...'

You scoffed and turned around and started walking

"Let's go" You told the male making him nod and jog up next to you.

What an interesting day...

- - -

"And I heard we will be having a outing really soon mr Aizawa did mention that to us last week but you wernt there since you only came now and—"

You were listening to Midoriya muttering about what you missed the first week of school and what mr Aizawa has been announcing what the school has planned

'Does He always mumble and forget you here...'



You flinched a bit at his panic and you saw his cheeks go rosey red and is now embarrassed thag he forgot you were next to him.

"S-sorry! It's...a habit" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck and you chuckled making him blush way more.

"It's alright I understand" you said bluntly making his nerves disappear.

You two then walked in silence, you felt the akward tension building.

"Why did you want to walk with me." You said a bit to rude.

'I really need to know how to say things a bit more nicely.'

"U-um..." He said nervously making you look to the side of him to see how nervous he got.

"I wanted to get along... make a new friend"


'I've never had those...'

"Right then." You said and nodded.

- - -

"Here's my house" You said pointing at the modern small home and he nodded.

"Well thanks Midoriya for the walk catch you at school" you waved at him and he was still processing that he just walked with a girl.

"O-oh um bye!!!" He said and you saw the boy walk away.

You smiled a bit when you reached your door.

"What a werid guy..."

Walking into your house you saw your dad scurrying off from the window and and now lying against the couch.

"Sweeetie... hey" your dad said putting a hand up.

"Hi... dad." You said now being suspicious of why he was by the window.

"What happen to you?! You have a bandage on your cheek!" Your dad said with worry.

"Had a class where you had to do combat, kid with explosion problems, didn't end well but I did kicked his ass" You said touching your check that had a white plaster remembering that the explosion he gave made an impact on you.

"When won't you get into fights..." your dad said chuckling at the end.

"So... how was the first day of school honey!! Besides the fight..." your dad said hugging you tightly.

"B-reathing" You said having trouble to leave the old mans grip.

"Oh right right!" He said and now waited for you to answer.

"It was fine I met a lot of new people but I'm sadly not allowed to use my quirk..." You said sadly making your dads eyes soften.

"It's alright don't worry this school will help you develop your quirk..." he said patting your head.

"So friends... got a boyyyyyfriend~" He said and you looked up to him in shock.

"What?" You said making him smirk.

"Oh please that green fluffy hair boy is the perfect match!" He said making you groan. That's why he was by the window... sneaky old man.

"Dadddd his just a friend I met in my class, his name is Midoriya don't be a fan girl please." You said making him whine like a puppy.

"Gah my little daughter is growing up! I knew this day would come" he said crying anime tears and you rolled your eyes.

"Ok while you fan girl I got some work to catch up" You said walking to your room while he kept squealing.

Walking into your room your held your chest feeling a bit funny.
Midoriya was really sweet you thought.

You groaned. These feelings never occurred to you what do you do now.
So much stresssss.

"I really need some cake."

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