Chapter 26: Khan

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"I guess I should get going" You said to the midoriays as you placed your plate and forks in the sink.

"Aw, we enjoyed having you!" Midoriya's mom who you came to know as inko who walked up to the sink taking midoriays and her's dishes into the sink.

You smiled as you walked to the door and put your shoes on.

"Thank you for having me in such a short notice..." you said softly, guilt hitting you as you came here without even telling.

"Oh honey don't worry about that, your a sweet lady, you can come here when ever" she said smiling and your heart beamed at her lovely words.

Midoriya smiled as he watched you and his mother.
He loved that two of his favorite people were able to get along.

"Izu, I guess I'll see you at school?" You said smiling and he nodded.
You then gave him a hug making his body go stiff.
Before he could relax into your warmth you let go and smiled.

"Bye!" You cheered and walked away from their apartment door.

"Such a sweet girl" midoriays mother said and she watched your figure go.

"I should remember to make more chocolate chip cookies next time, she really has a sweet tooth" midoriays mom said chuckling at the end making Midoriya laugh at his mother saying.

"Yeah..." Midoriya said sighing at the end and smiled.


'I hope midoriays mom doesn't think I'm a pig, her chocolate chip chocolate cookies were just to good!!' You mentally shouted to yourself as you walked down the side walks to your house.

You smiled to yourself.

You never had a friend that you could run too. Beside your dad of course but having someone else brought a little happy spark into your heart.

You didn't know why, but you knew god was to good.
You didn't know if you deserved this life you have been given.

It was finally become at peace. You were finally in a school where you would be happy, friends that you can trust on and you knew you would finally become a hero just like your mother always wanted.

'Mom... I hope you're proud...'

You stopped in your tracks and halted in fear.

'Wait...What's... this feeling..'

Suddenly everything around you was black and you held onto your palms in fear.

Suddenly a soft echo went inside your head making you freeze in fear.

"Finally, I got into this head of yours..." I deep voice said making your breath hitch.

"The girl that was ment to be a killer, a young heart of evil." The voice said making your eyes widen in fear and you shouted.

"What?! How do—"

"Not everything can be hidden forever." The voice said making you silent.

"Not all secrets can be hidden young one, everyone finds out somehow..."

'What? What is this?!'

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