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I bounced up and down on my bed. I could feel the excitement all threw out me. A scream escaped my lips. There was no way thins was happening.

"Hal. Hal? Haley!" My best friend Autumn yelled into the phone.

I adjusted the phone so that she was no longer yelling in my ear.

"Sorry Guppie." I replied.

I jumped one last time and landed cress-crossed on my bed.

"So why are you so... you?" Autumn asked.

"My mom just gave me my birthday present."

"I thought your birthday was 2 months ago." Autumn said sounding confused.

"I was. My mom is always late. But guess what!" I said thinking about my gift.


"Guess what my gift is."

"Haley," she said sounding annoyed, "I really don't feel like guessing."

"Fine. I'll just tell you. She got me..." I teased her.

"Hal! TELL ME!" she said laughing.

"Okay, chill missy. My mom got me VIP for the Allstar Weekend Concert!"

Autumn screamed in my ear. "Promise you will tell Cameron I love him."

"I promise. And if I can I will get them to call you."

"Really?" She asked, sounding like a little kid.

"Would I joke about a thing like that?"

"Yes!" she shrieked.

I faked a gasp. "I'm offended."

"You're weird." She replied.

"Be Weird, Get Weird, and Be Yourself." I said quoting Allstar Weekend.


"I need to pick out what I am going to wear." I said.

I got up and walked across my room. I opened up the tiny closet door and looked for something cute to wear.

"When is the concert?" Autumn asked.

"End of the month." I replied form memory.

"I'll tell you what, I will make you a shirt and you pick out a pair of dark wash jeans with converse."

I already knew she had been planning this. Ever since we found out about the tour she had been planning.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Hal," she called me. Her voice distant.

"Yeah." I replied after a few seconds.

"Why did your mom get you VIP? She usually gets you general admission."

I didn't know how to answer her question. Of course I knew she was right. My mom had always gotten my general admission and never would have even thought of VIP.

"I have no idea. Can I call you back?"

Autumn got me thinking. I had to know the answer. I walked out of my room and down the hall. Taking the stairs two at a time, I called for my mom.

"Yes Sweetheart?" She asked, wiping her wet hands on the towel.

"I- I have a question." I stuttered. I had no idea how to ask this without sounding ungrateful.

"Are you okay?" she asked sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to her.

I sat down and she took my hands in hers. Her eyes looked distant.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I have to tell you something."


"Haley, Sweetheart, your birth parents want you to live with them." She said. Her eyes were watery.

"What?" I asked. All these questions floating in my head.

Birth parents? I'm adopted? I knew I didn't fit in with my mom and dad but I never thought of being adopted.

"You are adopted."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked, furious.

"We were waiting for the right time to tell you. We didn't know how."

"When do I leave?" I asked.

"Honey you still have time-"

"When do I leave?" I asked threw gritted teeth.

"At the end of the school year."

"So I only have 4 months left here?"

"Yes, but time won't go by that fast."

"Where do they live?" I asked. I feared I would not like the answer.

"In California."

"But that's all the way across the country!" I complained. "Do I have to go?!"

"Yes! They are your parents wither you like it or not and if they want to spend time with you, you will not complain and spend time with them."

I could tell this conversation was hurting her as much as it was hurting me.

"I'm not going!" I said before running up to my room and slamming the door.

I picked up my guitar that was in the corner of the room and started strumming. The strumming became quicker and louder and I played. I let out all my anger.

When I felt like all my anger was out I placed the guitar back and flipped down on my bed. Looking at the clock I found out it was already 9:53. I threw my head onto my pillow and let out the scream I have been holding in.

What if I don't like them? What if they hate me? Will they be nice? What do they look like? Do they have any other children? If so do they live with them or are they also adopted?

I let these questions fill my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

Teenage DreamWhere stories live. Discover now