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Chapter 16 Haley's POV

“I guess the interview is done.” Cameron said.

“At least for now.”  I added.

“So Mike when are we going to meet this girlfriend?” Tyler asked.

“Soon I promise.”

“Speaking of girlfriends.” Cameron said looking at Tyler. “What is so complicated?”

“Yeah what is so complicated?”  I asked.

I’m sure if Sarah was paying less attention to Danny and more attention to us, she would have questioned why I said that and the way I said it.  But no she was too busy flirting with Dan.


Good Day started playing.

Tyler pulled my phone out of his pocket.

“Nice ringtone Tyler.” Sarah commented, not knowing it was really my phone.

“I’m not giving Haley the phone.  What?  What’s wrong?  Fine I’ll give it to her.”

I took the phone from Tyler’s hands.

“It’s Chris.”


“Haley, you need to meet me on the other side of the parking lot.”  I could hear the panic in his voice.

“What’s wrong?”  I asked.

“It’s Autumn.  Her and Ally got in a fight.  Ally got up and left but Autumn passed out.”

“I’ll be right there.”  I pushed Cameron, who was blocking the door, out of my way.

I followed where Chris told me to go.  When I got there I saw Chris leaning over Autumn’s unmoving body.

“Is she doing better?" I asked.

"She has opened her eyes."

I looked down at her.  She was paler then Rob Patterson's ass.

I felt sad for him.  His ‘girlfriend’ had just beaten the shit out of the girl he liked.

"Hang in there A."

I call Sarah.  Before I even hung up I could hear her trying to get out.

“What took you?”  I asked.

"The fuckin door wouldn't open."


"Shut up Hal!"

She leaned down next to me.

"Guppie, can you hear us?" I asked.

She moaned.

"I'll take that as a yes.  Does anything hurt?" I asked, looking over her body.

"My leg."

"Can you move it at all?" Sarah asked.

"Only a little.  But it hurts like hell."

She winced. 

“It’s going to be okay.”  I turned to Tyler.  “Get me two long pieces of wood and a tee shirt.”

He did as I said and left.  Cameron went with him, Chris held Autumn’s hand the whole time, Danny was holding-hugging Sarah, and Mike was just watching.

A few minutes later they came back.  I placed the wood on either side of her leg, and held them in place with the shirt.

“Try standing.” 

She got up, but quickly fell back down.

“She is going to need some help.  At least in till we can get a better cast.”

“I’ll help her.”  Chris volunteered.

Sarah and I helped Autumn stay up long enough for Chris to help her.

“I can do this myself you know.”

“Did you see the way you just fell?  You won’t be doing a lot for a while.”

She gave me a death glare and I smirked back.

“That’s enough you two.”  Mike said.

We made our way into the venue.

Chris sat Autumn down on a chair. 

Zach, Cam, Mikey, Dillon, and Brent were just finishing up their sound check.

“Testing one, Testing two, testing three.”  Zach looks over at us.  “Hi.”

I wave to him.

The five of them come over.

“I see you have found some fans.”  Cameron said.

“What? Hal what happened?”  Zach asked.

“Hal?  Why does he know your name?”  Sarah looked at me.

“I can explain?” 

“Did we even get this interview or did you?”  Autumn asked.

“Oh no this was really you.  Haley had nothing to do with this.”  I said.

“She is right.  The only thing she did was come with us here.”  Tyler said.

“Did you have anything to do with Danny and I?  Or Chris and Autumn?”  Sarah asked, hands on hips.

“You did Danny yourself when you were texting Haley about a wedding.”  Tyler said.

“Who’s wedding?”  I asked.

“I texted you a question about what color for you and Tyler’s wedding and you did not know what Tyler, and oh my god I’m so stupid.  I should have known it wasn’t you.  Why did you have her phone?”  I was thankful she had finally stopped yell at me and was now yelling at Tyler.

Danny led them outside.  Everyone but Autumn, Chris, and I followed.

‘Chris can I have some alone time with A?” I asked.

“Sure.  I’ll go try and stop the fight that is about to happen.”  He then followed everyone else.

“Did you know?  About Ally?” 

“Honestly when you meet her, I did.  I asked the guys if they could drop me off around the venue early.  They said they would and that they had to go somewhere.  I didn’t question it.  I was too busy looking forward to meeting two of my best friends.”

She reached her hands up.  I leaned down into her hug. 

“Thanks Nick.”

“You’re welcome Guppie.”

I stood back up.  "I still don't understand how you fractured you foot."

"I TOLD YOU IT'S THAT BITCHES FAULT!  Wait how do you know it's only fractured?"

"Because it wasn't all discombobulated."


"Wacked up."

"Oh.  Don't ever use that word again.  And really how did you know that?”

“I am going to be a bio-medical engineer, I have to know how to fix broken body parts.”  I said proudly.

“Go be a science geek somewhere else.”

I smiled.  I see my Autumn is back.  Let’s just hope Ally stays away.

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