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Autumn's POV

After hanging up with Haley, I opened up my drawer and pulled out a bland white t-shirt. I took out the black paint, a piece of white printer paper and a pencil. On the paper I drew a circle and made the face of a cat. Under that I out 'Cat Daddy" in big letters. I flipped the paper over and drew a tail.

While making sure I liked the design my phone started blasting 'Cat City'. SarBear flashed across the screen and I pressed the green phone and answered the phone.

"What cha doin'?" Sarah asked, sounding like Isabella from Phines and Ferb.

"Making shirts." I replied. I fixed the phone so that it was resting on my soldier.

"Send me pics."

I knew she was going to say that. I took pictures of the paper and sent them to her.

"Cute, but get rid of the tail. It's weird. Even for Hal." She said.

I crossed out the back of the paper. I pulled out a little table I kept behind my book case and laid out the shirt. Once I was sure there were no wrinkles, I started painting the design on it.

"How many are you making?" Sarah asked.

"Would you like one?" I asked her.

"If you wouldn't mind." She replied.

Another shirt to make. I thought as I added the whiskers.

"How is it coming?"

"It's good. I'll show you when it's done."

"Okay. I have to go. Stupid parents grounding me." She huffed.

"Don't hurt yourself." I joked.

"I'll try not to." She said before the line went dead.

I put the shirt aside. I'll finish it later or tomorrow. It won't take that long to dry and send to Haley.

I turned on my laptop and went on my emails.

Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, Twitter, Hollywood Ending, Twitter

I quickly clicked on the Hollywood Ending email. After taking FOREVER to load, I started reading the email.

Dear Autumn,

We see that you have met the requirements for an interview. If you would please email us the date for your concert so that we could add it on that day that would be great. You have to bring your own camera and person to help. Hope to hear from you soon.

-Tyler, Danny, Cameron, Mike, & Chris

I started screaming. I jumped up and ran around. My mom stopped me in the hall but I was too excited to respond, so I just kept running.


I continued to scream.

My little brother gave me a look.

"What?" I asked, almost snapping out of my freak-out mood.

"You're strange." He replied with the same look. His face disgusted looking.

"You're strange." I replied.

I turned right into the kitchen. Grabbing a bow, spoon, and the ice cream, I fixed myself a Sunday.

I hopped onto the barstool and ate the ice cream. Once I was done, I ran back to my room. I started to compose a return email.

Dear Hollywood Ending,

Thank you SO much. The concert I am going to is the very last concert. :) I would love to met you and I have tons of questions. I also have a camera and my friend is coming with me. Again thank you.

Love Autumn

After I pressed send I sat there and waited. I knew they would not reply that quickly, but still.

I started daydreaming and writing down a bunch of questions I wanted to ask them.

I guess I fell asleep, because I woke up to my little brother shaking me.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"That band emailed you." He said.

"Did you open it?" I asked.

"Yes." He said putting his hands behind his back.

"What did it say?"

"I don't know. I didn't read it." He said with an evil smile.

I hit his head and turned to my computer.

"Why were you even in my room?"

"Because you left the door open." He said.

"Leave." I said pointing to the door.

He just stood there.


He just stood there without moving. I got up and pushed him out of my room. Once he was out, I slammed the door and locked it.

I sat back down and clicked on the already opened email.

Dear Autumn,

We are sorry to say that we have already planned that day. It is PACKED. We are so sorry. We will send you and your friend a message before our next tour so that you could get an interview. Again we are really, truly sorry.

-Cameron, Danny, Chris, Tyler, & Mike

And there goes my perfect day. I thought as I climbed back into bed. I wiped away the tear that was slowly sliding down my cheek.

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