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Chapter 29  Haley’s POV

Zach and I were arguing.  Again.

I was about to make another sassy remark when I heard screaming.

“Oh my god who is dying?  I can perform mouth to mouth!” I don’t know why I said that because it was a girl scream and I am NOT giving a girl mouth to mouth.

"I'm fine Hal.  In fact I'm more than fine."

"Good.  I may be certified but I have no clue how to preform."

She rolled her eyes.

"So why are you freaking out?" I asked.

"Brent asked me to come on tour with you guys!"

"That may be the smartest thing you have ever done Dumbass." Sarah said, smacking the back of Brent's head.

I let a small laugh escape my lips. Daisy was giving Sarah a death glare, while I got one from Brent.

"Or it could be the only smart think you have done."

Sarah was in for it now.

"I HAVE TO PEE!" I screamed out of no where.

I really did have to pee though.

"I'm not singing." Autumn said.

"What?" Zach asked.

I looked over at Autumn.

"No." she said crossing her arms over her chest. 

“Please.”  Zach begged.


I walked out of the room.

There was a girl in the hall. She looked behind her and saw me.  But then she hid.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

There was no answer.  I walked over to where I saw her hide.

She was crouched in between a big speaker and a box.

I reached my hand out for her.  She took it and I pulled her up.

“Are you lost?” I asked.

She wasn’t wearing a staff uniform.  I saw a VIP pass around her belt loop.

“No.  I was just looking for my friend.”  She said.

“Maybe I could help.”  I offered.

“No I don’t think you could.”

“Just try me.”

“Okay.  Where is Cameron?”

“It depends if you mean Cam Q. or Cameron B.” I said.

“Cameron B.”

“Okay you win.  I have no clue where he is.”

“Do you know where he could have gone?”  She asked.

“He said something about visiting someone.  I wasn’t paying attention.”


“How do you know him?” I asked.

“He is one of my friends.  Would you happen to know where Tyler is?”

“Only if you tell me who you are.”  I said.

“My name is Sierra.  Who are you?”

Tyler had mentioned a Sierra before.   She seemed like a good person.  I wonder if it was the same Sierra.


“So do you know where Tyler is?” she asked.

“I do.  He’s right in here.”

“I want to surprise him.  Could you help me?”


She told me what she needed me to do.

“I’M BACK!” I yelled walking back inside the green room.

Sarah was no longer trying to kill Brent.  She was sitting on Danny’s lap and it looked like he was whispering in her ear.  Autumn was making out with Chris in the corner.  Brent and Zach were doing god only knows what while Tori and Daisy watched.  Mike, Megann, and Tyler were all watching T.V.  Kellie and Cam had disappeared, but that wasn’t a big surprise. 

I walked over to Tyler.

“Hey.”  I said.

“Hey.”  He said.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled my down.

“I have something for you.”  I said.

“What?” he asked, his eyes showing his excitement.

“I can’t tell you.”  I said.

“Why not?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Come on you can tell me.”



I shook my head no.

“Why not?”  He asked, pouting.

“Because it would ruin it.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head against my back.

“Please.”  He muffled voice said.

I shivered.  His breath was hot against my back. 

“Don’t do that.”

“I’m sorry.”  He said doing it again.


“Okay I’ll stop.”  He put his head on my soldier.

“So when am I getting this surprise?” he asked.

“Soon.  And not A-Dub soon.”

“Can soon be now?” he asked.

I looked down at wrists.  Sierra should have had enough time to do whatever she was doing.

“Yes.  Soon can be now.”

“Will it be though?”

I laughed and got up.  I took his hand and dragged him to the door.  Well he dragged me.

“What is it?” he asked.

“You are worse than me.  You have to wait.”

“If I kiss you will you tell me?”


He leaned in anyway. I walked out of his way and opened the door.

“S-Sierra?”  He asked.  He looked worried.

I turned to the door to see why.

Sierra and Cameron were kissing.

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