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Chapter 6   Autumn's POV  

I stared at the blank email screen.  I had no clue how to respond.  I reread the message.

Dear Autumn,

We wanted to know if you would still like an interview.  Please get back to us. Thank you.

-Tyler, Chris, Danny, Mike, & Cameron

I was about to reply when my phone went off.

"Hey Hal." I said answering.

"Hi Autumn." Sarah replied.

"We on three way?" I asked, knowing we were.

"Yup.  All day all night." Haley said.

"Huh what umm yeah." I said, not sure what Haley was doing.

"Did you answer yet?" Sarah asked.

"No! What do I say?"

"Say 'My friends and I would be happy to do an interview.  We are going to the concert on June 29.  Thank you so much.   Love Autumn'." Haley said as if she memorized it.

"You said 'friends' as in more than one." I pointed out.

"Oh yeah.  I forgot.  I'm coming to visit you guys.  I'll be there for the concert." Haley said.

"Really?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah." Haley said laughing.

"Where are you staying?  For how long?" I asked.

"Not very long.  A few days at most.  I'm staying in a hotel."

"What hotel?" I asked, being noise.

I could have sworn I heard her curse.

"I'm not sure.  I'll tell you later."

"Hal are you lying to us?"

"WHAT?!  No!  Why would you think that?"

"Because you don't."

Just then my phone beeped.

"I'm adding Daisy to the conversation." i said pressing the add button.


"Hey Nick." Daisy said.

"How did I even get that nickname?" Haley asked.

"No one knows and/or cares.  Now back to the topic at hand.  Are you lying Hal?" I asked.

"No I'm not lying." Haley said.

I heard someone call Haley's name.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"My neighbor's daughter." she said.

"What's her name?"

"Guppie does this really matter? Do you not trust me?" She sounded tired.

"What's really going on?" I asked.

"A lot.  But I'll tell you later. Right now I have to go." and with that her line went dead.

"And then there were three." Daisy said.

"So beside Haley drama, what has been going on?" I asked.

"Aaron and I are struggling in our relationship." Daisy said.

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"He has been paying more attention to his friends than he has to me."

"You know we can always come visit you and beat up his sorry little ass." I said.

  Looks like A's Army is back!

"No.  It's fine.  I like his cute butt just the way it is."

"Ewww" Sarah said.

I started laughing.  This was way too funny. "I STILL NEED TO EMAIL THE BOYS!"

"Tell them what Haley said." Sarah suggested.

I quickly typed in Haley's message, reread it, than pressed send.

"What did they say?"

"SarBear, she just sent it." Daisy said.

“Guys.  They did reply already.”  I said, looking at the screen that said ‘New message’.

“Already?”  Sarah asked.

“Yes already.”  I replied.

“That’s scary.”  Daisy commented.

“You got that right.  Should I open it?”  I asked.

“Yes!”  Sarah and daisy yelled at the same time.

“Okay!  Calm down.”  I opened the email.

Dear Autumn,

That’s perfect.  We will see you then. 

-Chris, Mike, Cameron, Danny & Tyler

I read the email to the girls. 

“I can’t believe we are meeting Hollywood Ending!”  Sarah yelled.

“Neither can I.  I have a feeling that will be the best night ever.”  I said.

“Someone should tell Hal.” Daisy said.

“I will later.”

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