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Chapter 17  Autumn's POV

It's been a week since tour started.

"A few more days till we can tell Pancake." Haley said.

"I can't believe we are on tour with ALLSTAR WEEKEND!" Sarah said.

"Sarah it's been a week. Chillax." I said.

"Oh like you didn't freak out."

"What Chris said I needed to be with him so he could keep an eye on me in case psycho  bitch comes back."

"Well I still don't know who invited Haley."

"About that, it was Zach."

"Why? Not meaning to sound rude but him and Tori are like inseparable." I said.

She laughed a little. "Zach just said he wanted to spend time with me."


"But I kinda am."

I knew she was hiding something.  Now to find out what it was.

"I understand!  She is always saying how she doesn't want to be in Tyler's pants.  Maybe it's because she wants to be in Zach's!" Sarah was jumping around like she just won the lottery.

Haley looked like she was going to be sick and was turning bright red.

"IT'S TRUE!  JUST LOOK AT HER!" I screamed.

"ZACH!" I ran threw out the whole venue to try and find him, as best as i could with one fractured foot, screaming his name the whole time.

"Zach." I put my hands on his soldiers.

"Autumn are you okay?" he looked kind of worried. Maybe I should not have let Haley tell him I think he's my dad.


"What about her?  Is she okay?" he started looking for her.

"She- She wants-"

"She wants what?"

"She wants you, in her pants."

Just as I finished Haley came running in the room.


"Hal, you know that's not possible." Zach said.

She smacked him then turned back to me. Just as she was about to do something, Zach wrapped his arms around her waist and held her back.

"Hal calm down."

I looked at Haley and screamed.  Her face was completely pale and her eyes were distant.

"Zach." she whispered.

"It's going to be okay.  Hang in there Hal."

"Zach." she whispered again.  I could hardly hear her.

"What's- what's going on?" I asked.

"Haley has a heart problem.  That's why she was adopted.  Mom and dad couldn't take care of her with us moving a lot.  She needed special help and her adoptive parents could give her that.  She was suppose to be spending the summer in California with our parents but I asked her to come with me instead.  I had just gotten her back and I wasn't ready to leave her yet." He looked just as scared as I felt.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, following him.

"As long as we keep her conscience she should be."

He turned and went into a room. He placed her down on the small couch.

"This morning she told she wasn't feeling well and she was having trouble breathing.  I don't even know how many times I told her to take it easy.  I guess chasing after you got to her."

I looked at her.  She was Zach's sister.  My best friend was Zach Porter's sister.

"Why didn't she tell me?  That she was your sister."

"I guess she was just waiting for the right time."

He was moving all around the room.

"Put these on her.  I'm going to find some water." He shoved a pile at me.

I put the pile on the bed.  There was a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"A I'm sorry." she said.

"No. Don't be.  Just be okay.  It doesn't matter that you didn't tell me."

"I can do this myself.  I'm not as helpless as Zach makes me seem."

I handed her the cloths and turned around.

"I'm done."

"Do you need anything?" I asked.  U felt like this was my fault.  If I hadn't ran to Zach to make fun of her she would be fine.

"I need you to shut up and stop blaming yourself.  Also a fan would help."

I turned on the fan.

"As much as I love TAP, I don't want to live in Kansas with them."

I glared at her. "I'm trying to help."

She started laughing.

"Oh good she is talking. Remember easy Hal."

"Zach this isn't like the last time I pass out in front of you.  I was five and didn't know what was going on.  Now I'm 17 and can handle myself."

He handed her a water bottle.

"I can't."

"Drink it."

"I can't."



They has a staring contest.

“I can’t drink the stupid water.”

“Why not?”

“Cause ill stop breathing!”

As much as I loved watching them fight, this was getting out of hand.

“Hal drink the stupid water.”

She snacked the water out of Zach’s hand. 

“Slow down.”  He said when she started chugging it.

She gave him a death glare.  “You wanted me to drink it.  Did you not?”

“Zach don’t you have to get ready or something?”  I asked, hoping he would leave.

“Sure.  I guess I could go figure something.” 

Zach left.

“If you want you could talk to me.  You don’t have to though.”  I said, breaking the silences.

“I want to tell you, SarBear, and Pancake all at once.  Don’t tell them about this please.” 

“I won’t.”


“Promise.”   I said, not knowing if I had just made a good choice or a bad one.

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