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Chapter 27 Daisy’s POV

“Aaron thank you soooo much.”  I said yet again.

“Daisy.  That’s the 10 time you have said it.” 

I ran my fingers threw his blonde hair.

“Don’t touch my hair.”

“Sorry.”  I apologized.

“Sure.  Let’s just go inside.” 

We showed the guy our tickets.  I grabbed Aaron’s hand and drug him up to the front.

“LOOK THERE IS BRENT!” I screamed, pointing to him.

“I don’t understand why you like him so much.”

“Because he is amazing.  He will be our next president.  Dillon will be the first lady.”

“Is Dillon his girlfriend?”


“Who is Haley?”

I can’t believe this.  Does he ever listen to me?

“She is only like one of my BEST friends.”


I let go of his hand and started jumping around and fangirling with the others.  Some random band I had never heard of came on.  They kind of reminded me a lot of Nick, Guppie, and SarBear,  but that was impossible since they were still on the east coast.

TAP, BYE, and HWE all preformed and I sang all the words.

Brent then came out on stage.

“Hi everyone.  I’m Brent.  I bet most of you knew that.  Allstar Weekend will be starting soon.”

“Aaron,” I turned to look at him.


“Later can you take a picture of Brent and I?”

“Don’t you already have enough?”


“Your phone background is a picture of him kissing your cheek, your facebook profile is a picture of him, on facebook your last name is Schneiders.  Shall I go on?”

“What is your problem?”

“You care too much about him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Brent this, Brent that, ‘OH MI GAWD Brent is SOOO funny!’ I’m sick and tired of you caring more about him then you care about me.”

“Well I’m sick and tired of you spending all your time with your friends and no time with me!”

“Oh so now I can’t hang out with my friends.  WHEN EVER IM WITH YOU ALL YOU DO IS TALK ABOUT YOUR STUPID BANDS!”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t hang out with your friends.  And don’t you DARE call them stupid ever again!”

I started walking away from him.

“Oh where do you think you’re going?”

I turned around.  “Away from you.”

“And how far are you going to get?”  He grabbed my wrist.

“Let go Aaron.”

“No you’re mine.  Loser boy can’t just show up one day and fix all of your mistakes.  No it’s up to me.  And I have to do it while I hear you complain.”

“Why can’t you just accept the fact that he is better then you?!”

“Oh so now I’m being compared to some dude you hardly know.  That’s great.  I honestly thought you were better than this but I guess you’re not.  You little whore.”

“Excuse me.  I’m not the one sleeping around with other people then promising that I will change and that I really love you.”

“But you would sleep with him if you could.”

I was in tears.  This was suppose to be the best night ever, not the worst.

“I’m sick and tired of your crap Aaron.  We are threw.”

I left him standing there.  Yes I was crying but I needed to leave.  There will be another concert tomorrow, I’ll come then.

I went outside and leaned up against the wall.  I sunk down and pulled my knees up into my chest.  Forget just crying, I was sobbing.

I can’t believe that stupid jerk.

“Hey are you okay?”  a voice asked.

“Does it look like I’m okay?”  I didn’t even bother to look and see who was talking to me.

“Did he hurt you?” They asked.

“Why would you care?  No one cares.”

“Because I’m not like other people.”  He said.

I lifted my head up from my lap.  Brent was sitting next to me.

“I saw you two fighting from on stage.  I couldn’t hear you, but it looked bad.  Especially when you ran out crying.  I needed to make sure you were okay.”

“I’m not okay.  He was my first boyfriend.  Everyone told me not to trust him.  But I did anyway.  I thought I meant something to him, but I guess I didn’t.  I guess I’m just another girl he can mess with.”

“No you’re not.  You are way more than that.  If he can’t see that then he needs some serious help.  You are beautiful and he should be ashamed of breaking you.”

“Thank you Brent.”

“You’re welcome, I don’t think I know your name.”


“Daisy you wouldn’t mind if I did this would you?”  He leaned in. 


“No its fine.  In fact,” I kissed him back.

Before I knew it, we were in some hotel room, in bed, making out.

“Brent, what are we doing?”

“It doesn’t matter.  Just as long as we keep doing it.”

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